Monday, September 21, 2009
So I started the night picking up Preston and getting him ready for bed time. Once he was down I ate dinner and decided that I needed to look for stuff on sale that i needed for the house...mainly i set out on the computer for sales and coupons. Anywho somehow like it often does i managed to find my way to facebook and then onward from there to blogs that other follow. I came across the blog for the Ramer Family. As many of you probably heard on the new a few months back they lost both their twins in a drowing accident. I read her posts and wondered how a mother who btw was 3-4 months pregnant when her children passed...could blog about the day that changed her life a mere few months after. Now do not get me wrong I do think its a wonderful way to feel better and get things off your chest but for me blogging about it would have made it real and i applaude her for her courage. What was supposed to be a short computer time transformed to two hours of reading her blogs. My heart ached for her and I felt like I was living her tragedy with her! It made me think of all the times that I put Preston back in his crib and let him cry it out because i had done everything i knew to do for him because i had to go to work in the morning. It made me think of the times when i complained about him only wanting me and nothing to do with Robert for weeks on end because i was exhausted from the constant whining that went with putting him down to play...It makes me realize how blessed I am to having him in my life! That God trusted me with this little person that smiles all the time and calls me "ma" ... the sweet way he runs his fingers through my hair when he takes his bottle at night with one hand and rubs his lovie with the other hand on his cheek. I can not imagine the pain and suffering that this woman has gone through and will go through for the rest of her life! It really touched me and I cried all through her blog. God has truly blessed me and her blog has helped me realize that. I hope that by reading this it will you as well. xoxo.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Universal healthcare...Whats the point???
So I have been meaning to write about this for some time now and have not had the chance. Our wonderful(and i say that loosely) President thinks making Universal health care is a wonderful idea...of course his followers think since he said its wonderful that maybe it really is and they Trust in him because they think that he is only doing good for the United States and all they hear is FREE. Well its not free. Do you realize that with universal health care there will be less doctors because they will not be paid as much as before. Less doctors means less doctors that are specialized in different fields and also means less care for you or your sick children! I was listening to a radio show the other day and it was mentioned that in Canada's universal health care system (which is terrible) it can take up to 8 weeks to get chemo when you find out that you have also take up to 8 months to get a colonoscopy!!! Also doctors can refuse to treat older patients because they figure if they are 65 or older they are probably going to die soon anyway so they may refuse operations that would otherwise save their lives. A customer today at the bank stated that "the only person that should be allowed to stop my heart from beating is God Almighty"! (What i did not tell him was that if his heart stops beating the Good Lord knew it was his time anyway). I know that there are lots of people in this world that do not have insurance and need it to survive and yes the health care program needs a slight face lift for those people but i am perfectly content with my insurance. I love my doctors and Preston's doctor and the thought of the Government telling me who i have to use as a physician terrifies me. What do ya'll think???
Monday, June 8, 2009
Having a baby changes everything
As most of you know I am formerly not the neatest person in the house often looked like the random scattered thoughts in my head...I often knew where stuff was and could find anything among utter chaos! I am glad to report that has somewhat changed since Preston...Upon washing dishes tonight and getting bottles rinsed to go into the dishwasher i realized that not only was i cleaning my kitchen before bed but i had done so every night since we moved into our new house! Shocking I know!!! I know it has to be done so i guess it has just become second nature...oh and the other shocking thing. Robert and I are the worlds worst at letting our clean clothes pile up in a stack on the guest bed...we dont mind washing but hate the putting away and folding...tonight i told him that i would come to bed after i get finished with laundry upon which he said you dont have to fold the ones in the response Oh yes i do if i dont it will sit on the bed and i dont have time or energy to fold 8 loads at one time...I think I am turning into my mother ;o)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
my no good horrible terrible very bad day...
So I am convinced that this week has been national unlucky week. As everyone I have talked to has agreed! Let me start off with how this week has been so far...Saturday started off wonderfully I got up got the house vacuumed and mopped and clean for Stephanie's shower. The shower went well but Preston was unusually fussy ... and my house was really hot!!! Sunday I woke up extremely cranky and extremely tired. I had been battling a headache for the last two days and was completely exhausted from the move and shower Not to mention that Preston thought waking up sometime in the middle of the night and getting up at 530 in the morning was acceptable...We missed Sunday school because i was so tired and cranky that i slept in til 9 to try to get rid of my headache. We made it to church (late) and sat in the balcony I think i fell asleep twice!!! I have never in my entire life fallen asleep in church! I was just that exhausted! Imagine taking a sleeping pill and then fighting it to stay awake that is how i felt! Anyway Monday morning I wake up and the house is still hot (courtesy of a frozen air conditioner) I get Preston up and ready and we head out the door. Monday was not so bad but boy did i get it Tuesday! Robert called the American home shield people and they said they would be here first thing Tuesday I went through the house turning all the ceiling fans on to high so we could cool down before putting P to bed. I made the big mistake of sleeping with out ceiling fans on high (which have resulted in Preston and I with terrible colds). So i get up Tuesday morning and the guy from the warranty place comes but states that he will have to come back since he was not told the air conditioner is frozen...he instructs us to turn it off and then he will be back that afternoon...Preston also has a cough that kind of sounds rough but i just assume its from the fans being on high. I take Preston, and the two dogs and head out for the day. I drop Preston off at Nana and PawPaws and then i take the dogs to mom and dads so they can escape the hot house for the day...all of this while i have had a no gas light on since the night before. So after dropping on the dogs i decide to stop at this lil hole in the wall gas station to get enough gas to make it to work so that i wont be too late. I pull in and had to go inside to pay since they had the old pumps with the dials. I get inside and he tells me to go ahead and fill up...i go back outside and start the pumps and suddenly .32 cents! Apparently he was out of gas...he tells me the next gas station is the BP down the road. I told him thanks and ask him to pray that i make it there...I make it there alright and as i pull up to the pump i feel like all will be OK...i get out swipe my card and it gives me the dreaded three words..."PLEASE SEE ATTENDANT" !!! So irritated i take my card and go inside where the attendant states that if i am trying to pay with my card it will not work because their machine is down. I told her that i was completely out of gas and that i had a check book she then states we do not take checks...I asked what i was supposed to do about gas and she says without even a pause there's another gas station by the interstate...I replied with yes but what good is that going to do me i don't have enough gas to get there!!! So i get back in my car thinking that God is trying to teach me patients and i cant help but burst into tears called my mom and told her she may have to come get me lol. Such a drama queen i know! So i finally see the Chevron in the distance and start to get excited! I literally sputtered into the gas station and died right by the pump lol. When i reset my fuel thingy it showed that i had been 331 miles on that tank of gas. I have never let it get that low! The day was topped off with Robert taking off work for the birth of my sister in laws baby...I went to visit and broke the strap on my shoe. I had to drag my shoe and foot back to the car like quazi moto or something lol. Then Wednesday Preston ends up having to go to the DR for a cold and Robert stayed off work with him I was very sick feeling and ill, Today i had to stay out with Preston so Robert could go back to work...I just pray for the strength to get through this week! One more day of work and then two days with my hunnie!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What a day!!!
Well as most of you know we are supposed to be closing on our new house tomorrow. at 1 in the afternoon! I check my email at 9 this morning and realize I have an email from the guy who is doing our mortgage. It reads that he just wants to let us know that underwriting is behind and that we may have issues with closing tomorrow...Long story short our paperwork was turned in beginning of May (there was supposedly not an issue then) but now all of a sudden they are saying it takes on the upwards of 3-4 weeks to go through underwriting!!! After consulting Robert I wrote him back and told him that it is unacceptable to tell us the day before closing that we are possibly not closing and that i do not care what kind of hoops he has to jump through we will close tomorrow at 1 no matter what!!! I am so frustrated! I spent all day at work arguing back and forth with him through email and then when i finally could start back working i was so enraged about the mortgage issue I couldn't even concentrate to work on anything! So at the end of the day i am told that he hopes that we get our paperwork tomorrow and that he was promised he would have something for us to get us closed me crazy but that does not comfort me...still not knowing what is going on! So now we sit and wait in Limbo and are just doing a lot of Praying! We have taken time off work...rented a truck... lined up people to help us clean and move and watch Preston! Its been such a mess this last 13 hours!
also please pray for us as my crazy self is throwing a shower next weekend and its at my house lol. It will not be good if i have to send out a change of address note to everyone!!! Please pray for my sanity for if i stop laughing i am going to cry "o)
also please pray for us as my crazy self is throwing a shower next weekend and its at my house lol. It will not be good if i have to send out a change of address note to everyone!!! Please pray for my sanity for if i stop laughing i am going to cry "o)
Monday, May 18, 2009
inching by every second of every day
Today totally drug by! I know its because I am overly excited about closing on our house!!! I went today and bought Preston the cutest swim trunks, rashguard shirt, and sun hat! He is going to be so adorable at the lake this weekend!!! I promise I will post pics! Speaking of the lake it has been so hard finding an infant life jacket for Preston! I called Bass Pro Shop after finding out they sold them online only for the guy to tell me that they do not sell life jackets for babies...they dont even make them! I quickly told him that yes they do make them and Bass Pro does indeed sell them online! He then said what are you looking for???what kind of jacket?!? Needless to say after he fussed at me for being the second person today to call asking him about them I decided that I would look somewhere else! Especially after he told me I cant help you i dont know what you are looking for LOL Some people have all the time in the world to help no one get anywhere!!! O well my friend Karens husband Andy is going to look at his work for me and I will probably buy it from there! Pray for me to keep my sanity as i get ready to finish out this week and find a life vest! Who knew it would stress me out so bad :o)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Today and this week
So today has been a great day. Even though we had lots to do it was nice to finally have a day with just me, Robert, and Preston. Preston and I started our day early (6:15). I went in to a smiling face and a squeal of delight to see me this morning. I love the mornings he is sooo incredibly sweet!!! Robert joined us down stairs at about 830 and took over baby duty so that I could take a shower to get ready for our day. By 2 o clock we had eaten breakfast and lunch, gone to Nana and Paw Paws, Robert helped with yard work and uncovered their pool, then we went to Wal-Mart and picked up cleaning supplies for our new house. Yea we are so excited and can not wait to get it ready for us to move in. Tomorrow we are going to church where Robert and I get to be in the two year old class for worship care tomorrow the lunch at the in laws and on to Prestons first Biscuit baseball game! We get to sit in a box and i am so excited! I can not wait to buy him his first Biscuit tshirt he will be soo stinking cute! I will make sure and post a few pics on here tomorrow night!
Its going to be an incredibly busy week. Aside from packing we have our final walk through on Wednesday night and then we will close on our house Friday...followed by somehow getting the whole house cleaned, cabinets contact papered, Preston's room painted and carpets cleaned so we can begin moving on Saturday! I am going to be totally exhausted!!! But it will all be worth it in the end! Please keep us in your prayers and pray for our sanity this next week as it is going to be a crazy one!
Love to all!!!
Its going to be an incredibly busy week. Aside from packing we have our final walk through on Wednesday night and then we will close on our house Friday...followed by somehow getting the whole house cleaned, cabinets contact papered, Preston's room painted and carpets cleaned so we can begin moving on Saturday! I am going to be totally exhausted!!! But it will all be worth it in the end! Please keep us in your prayers and pray for our sanity this next week as it is going to be a crazy one!
Love to all!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Short update
I have been blogging for sometime on my Myspace page but not everyone can read what is going on in our lives since our family in GA are mostly not on Myspace. I will use this blog to update you in what is going on in our lives and to let ya'll know how Preston is growing and changing every day. He is getting so big and growing so fast! He is 5 months old today and is about 15 pounds and 25 inches long. He is going to be a big boy! The old her gets the funner he gets and currently enjoys smiling laughing and being tickled lol. His laugh is infectious and his smile lights up the room! We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
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