Monday, July 6, 2009

Universal healthcare...Whats the point???

So I have been meaning to write about this for some time now and have not had the chance. Our wonderful(and i say that loosely) President thinks making Universal health care is a wonderful idea...of course his followers think since he said its wonderful that maybe it really is and they Trust in him because they think that he is only doing good for the United States and all they hear is FREE. Well its not free. Do you realize that with universal health care there will be less doctors because they will not be paid as much as before. Less doctors means less doctors that are specialized in different fields and also means less care for you or your sick children! I was listening to a radio show the other day and it was mentioned that in Canada's universal health care system (which is terrible) it can take up to 8 weeks to get chemo when you find out that you have also take up to 8 months to get a colonoscopy!!! Also doctors can refuse to treat older patients because they figure if they are 65 or older they are probably going to die soon anyway so they may refuse operations that would otherwise save their lives. A customer today at the bank stated that "the only person that should be allowed to stop my heart from beating is God Almighty"! (What i did not tell him was that if his heart stops beating the Good Lord knew it was his time anyway). I know that there are lots of people in this world that do not have insurance and need it to survive and yes the health care program needs a slight face lift for those people but i am perfectly content with my insurance. I love my doctors and Preston's doctor and the thought of the Government telling me who i have to use as a physician terrifies me. What do ya'll think???