Monday, September 19, 2011

Huxley 2 months

Where has the last two months gone?!? I sure don't know! So far this month Huxley has been doing good. He is still waking up (occasionally) at 4 to eat a bottle but other nights he sleeps til 6 eats and then takes his morning nap. He is smiling A LOT and will even smile back at you when you smile at him. He coos and I really think he is trying to laugh. Twice he has made a chuckle when I said something or made a funny noise. Its so cute! I cannot seem to catch it on video though. So far this month he had his first "sick" appt. He somehow managed to get an ingrown fingernail that somehow got infected so he was on Cephlex (spell?) twice a day for 10 days. He was also diagnosed with reflux and is now on Zantac twice a day. It seems to be working and we actually have pleasant days most days. He is growing like a weed and is getting so big! He is eating cereal in his night time bottles and is consuming 4-6 ounces each feeding. Big boy loves his food and cries when I take it away to burp lol. Silly Frank!

Here are his stats from his 2 month appt:
He weighs 13 lbs 11 ounces and is in the top 10 percentile
He is 23.25 inches long and is in the top 30%
his head is 16.75 inches! I believe he is in the top 5% for this one...I will have to double check and get back to you.

He got 3 shots and one oral and cried so hard. I felt terrible because he was just a smiling and cooing at me when he got stuck. His face turned red and he screamed and cried really loud...broke my heart! He did good though. Never ran a fever and was only slightly crabby the rest of the day mainly he just slept a lot that day. I snuggled him all day poor lil fella!

Other than that we are doing well. I promise to post pics soon. I just don't have my camera handy to do so anytime soon. Hope everyone is doing well!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Huxley 1 month old!

So I should have posted a while ago but just got behind. Huxley is growing at an alarming rate and it feels like I blinked and he was already a month old! We went to his appt with Dr Morrison thinking he would get shots...I had mentally prepared for some shots but he didn't get any...Just a heel prick :o( He sobbed and sobbed and I somehow managed to keep my composure. I don't particularly care much for the nurse that did it and have had issues with her in the past but oh well it was just one time and I hope we don't have her again anytime soon.

Here are his stats: He weighed 11 pounds even, is 21.5 inches tall and his head was 15.75 inches around. He is growing so fast and eating lots and lots. He is mainly a happy baby but has had some issues with gas so he gets gas drops before every bottle. That seems to help. He is sleeping pretty much all night he goes to bed at 8 and then wakes up around 4:30 to eat. Then goes back to sleep until 6:30 or 7. We have had our tough days but we are slowly starting to figure out each others routines and things are going smoother. We have been so blessed with him as our son.