Monday, August 26, 2013
So after six weeks of praying and worrying I loaded up and went to my follow up appt this morning. I was so nervous of what they would say that I couldn't eat anything. I even skipped coffee. Got to my appt and had follow up scan. Went up to see the doctor and he said he was quite surprised with my results. He said he thought for sure that we would have to do surgery. He said the cyst was 5cm six weeks ago and today my scan showed that not only had it shrunk but it completely disappeared! I am totally relieved and feel carefree for the first time in six weeks! So nice to breathe! Thank you for all the prayers and reassurance bloggy friends.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Week one done
So wow week one of preschool is over! Yay! Preston seems to be enjoying it and it is wearing him out :) we are so used to sleeping in (9 am late) that getting up has been tough. I wake at 630 which I am slowly having a love hate relationship with. I hate getting up early but I love that I get up and get moving to get everyone else up and going. Coffee is on the run and errands follow. By the time we get home we have about an hour and a half before its time to pick him up. Pick him up at 12 then come home for lunches then nap for Huxley and working out for me. Hopefully to follow with an hour of quiet downtime for me too. It's been a whirlwind but so worth it since he seems really happy to be there. He has been in bed asleep every night by 8 which is much nicer than the 9-930 we let him get by with during the summer.
We have orientation for Huxley on Tuesday. He has already informed me he wants to stay home and no school for huxwee. Oh sweet sweet boy he is being really really tough to love this past few days. Terrible twos are in full swing at our house and I am slap wore out! Physically and emotionally. I literally wanted to go to bed at 7 last night I was so tired. I need to get up and workout today but golly I am so tired I'm seriously considering skipping it and waking up early Sunday to work out instead. Mama could use a nap too. Anyway I digress. I really am looking forward to the two days where both boys are in school and I can get some free time. I love my boys but I am in dire need of some one on one time with myself. Anyway we are just getting used to this new schedule and exciting time for my boys. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Day two
Today was better. P was tired still so was running a tad sluggish today. I guess that means an earlier bedtime. He seems to really like school though which makes me happy. When he's happy so am I.
Huxley has decided he wants to potty train. He pooped twice on the potty Saturday at my Aunt and Uncles house in GA which was exciting. So we went today and got some big boy undies. We will officially start in the morning. Hopefully he will get it fast...fingers crossed.
On another note my poor dog Toby apparently got trampled by the if dogs at my moms and now is hurt. I am hopefully he will feel better in a couple days if not then we will go to the vet. I am not looking forward to that bill but I can't let him suffer so we will do what we have to do.
Other than that not much going on here. Just getting into the swing of things for the first week of school.
Monday, August 19, 2013
As I lay in bed this morning I can't help but think about how my oldest goes back to school today. I have mixed emotions. I am so excited for him because I know he is really excited but at the same time I am so sad because my baby is growing up. He is going to learn so much! I just have to keep it together ;)
So I got Preston up and dressed for school and I said are you excited? He said no mama I'm nervous. :( I promised he would be fine and have the best time. After brushing his teeth he begged me to let him climb back into bed and rest a little longer :) we got Huxley up and left with breakfast in hand. I practically had to pry his Jessie out of his hands and promised she would come with us to pick him up. We walked into his classroom and you would've never known that he was nervous. He walked right in talked to a few friends and climbed into his seat. Sooo big! I didn't want to cry then but writing this update has brought tears to my eyes. When did he get so big?! I am super anxious and can't wait til I can pick him up! I can't wait to see how his first day went.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Sweet Friends
So I loaded up my kiddos yesterday and we road tripped it to Auburn to help one of my best friends ever pack her house to move. For the most part the kids haven't seen each other in forever or in the case of Huxley ever. So when her kids got home from school my kids were sooo excited! P and her daughter B who are almost exactly the same age were inseparable from the start. There was lots of hugging, hand holding, snuggling and laughing. 

Just a quick post
So I've been a tad bit under the weather since July and have had a lot going on which I've been dealing with internally. I began having pain in my lower left pelvis a few months ago and during a routine scan discovered a cyst on my ovary. The doctors are monitoring it for six weeks and I will go back for a follow up scan and doctors appt to discuss the findings. Well now it appears that I not only had a cyst develop on my right ovary but it has ruptured so I am feeling pretty awful. While 95% of cysts are benign and nothing to worry about I can't help but worry what if its something worse. Anyway, I am trusting that all will be fine but there is always that little voice in the back of my head shouting out fears. Please pray that all is fine and that it's just run of the mill cysts and nothing to worry about. Please pray that my mind will be put at ease and that the fears will subside. Please pray that the pain from the ruptured cyst will subside and that it heals on its own.
Monday, August 5, 2013

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