Thursday, December 30, 2010
12 weeks 5 days
I got back to the doctor on January 28th at 1015 so we will see what he says then. I am hoping that he goes ahead and lets me schedule my gender US then. I am trying to convince Robert to let me go to Virginia College in Bham to find out earlier. We will see if he finally gives in.
Monday, November 22, 2010
7 weeks 2 days
Friday, November 19, 2010
Old-Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1tsp baking soda
1tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1 cup Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
Glaze ingredients
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
3 T milk
1 T melted butter
1tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease Baking sheets. ( I used nonstick and didn't grease and they came off fine).
Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in medium bowl and mix together dry ingredients.
Beat sugar and butter in large mixer bowl until well blended. Beat in pumpkin, egg, and vanilla extract until smooth. Gradually add and beat in flour mixture. Drop by rounded spoonfuls onto prepared baking sheets.
Bake for 15-18 minutes or until edges are firm. (We like ours a little gooier so I took the second batch out while they were still a light orange color. Both taste just as good though.) Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely. Drizzle Glaze over cookies.
For Glaze: Combine two cups sifted powdered sugar, 3 T milk, 1T melted butter and 1 tsp vanilla extract in small bowl. Mix until smooth.
They have lots of ingredients but were not hard to make. And they are really yummy! Kind of like a pumpkin pie in a cookie! I hope you enjoy as much as we have!!!
recipe courtesy of Toll House Nestle Holiday Recipe book.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So far this pregnancy...
As for symptoms so far I feel pretty good. I am tired some days but not all the time. I have horrible heartburn already and am already munching on Tums to relieve the pain. I have preggo nose and can smell Preston's dirty diaper from across the room and possible even from another room lol Its Super Sonic I tell ya! I also have started having stuffy noses at night so I bought me some saline spray and breathe right strips so I can sleep with my mouth closed.
Preston was taking baby news well. When you would ask him where the baby was he would say Tummy and point to my tummy. Well Monday night when you asked he would state that the baby is in the pumpkin...and now if you ask he makes this horrible screeching noise like how dare you ask me about the baby lol. I still talk to him about the baby like its the best thing that ever happened to him so we will see how well it works when the new baby gets here.
I also started back on a modified C25K program today. I found I couldn't run the full time so I walked the first 10 minutes and then jogged off and on the last 15-20 minutes. I am so out of shape since I haven't done it in three weeks so I am having to pace myself to get back into it. I am determined to try to exercise this pregnancy at least 5 days a week!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
How I told Robert
The front of Preston's shirt read "Big Brother in Training" and the back said "Due in July!!"
This is how the convo went when Robert came in:
R: Hey buddy how was your day!
J: Did you read his new shirt he got today???
R: Big brother in training...
J: Read the back ( all while holding a pregnancy test)
R: Due in July..::bending down and reading the front and back again::
J:umm so I'm pregnant that's not his costume!
R: OH!!! Are you really?!?! I was confused!!! ( in his defense I had told him P would be dressed and ready to go when he got home).
J: Are you excited??? Do you want to see the test?!?
R: YEAH!!!
Here are a couple pics from after we told Robert...I totally forgot to take pics while he was reading P's shirt!
Surprise Surprise baby #2 is inside!!!
If my estimated due date by my workings is right it will be July 9, 2011. Which it probably is since I nailed Preston's dead on. We are so excited!!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Waiting Game...and Other Ramblings!
So begins the waiting game...again...among this time of waiting I have discovered that while I am experiencing this trial others seem to be thriving with fertility and are getting pregnant from just looking at their husbands. I mean my mom said the other day that her friend who is almost 40 and on birth control got pregnant and it was such a surprise to her. I mean really?!?! I know they say that when you are trying too hard it won't happen and that you don't need to stress about it. Well whoever said that never took longer than a couple months to get pregnant, like me the first time getting pregnant. I know that I shouldn't complain as God has blessed us with one child and I know deep down He will bless us with more when the time is right. I mean we may think we are ready but God obviously knows otherwise.
Also why do people always feel the need to ask when you plan on having the next baby??? I was this person until I was on this side of the trying and I promise I won't ask again! I was first hit with this realization a few weeks ago after finding out about a sister in law's pregnancy. While I am SO excited for her and can't wait to have another niece or finally have a nephew my heart sank. I was confronted with it the first time and the question that so often never bothered me started to tug at my heart. When are you going to have another baby??!?! A simple question right. Should be no problem to answer...but for me for some reason it was! The first time I laughed and joked it off. All the while saying times tables in my head to stop the tears from forming. The second time I made a complete fool of myself and stated I did not really want to talk about it while the tears started to drop (didn't help that the room went silent when the question was asked and I was at a bridal shower). I am sure I looked like a crazy person and am TOTALLY embarrassed about it! I surprised myself this last go round when asked as I just said hopefully soon and thankfully there were no tears.
I know this is a long boring and overly personal blog post but I felt like I needed to get it off my chest and since this is kinda like therapy I thought it might help. I promise to not bog down my blog with lots of these so I am cramming it into this one post. Hopefully my next one will be happier and I will have good news. If not it's okay. I know that God will provide.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Reflections of Motherhood
Myfriend Margaret posted this on her blog and it touched me! No matter how yucky the day is or how "bad" of a mother I feel I am sometimes I know that I am not alone. We all make mistakes and we all wish we could go back and change things. I do know one thing I definately took time to fall in love with my baby ;o)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Puhnkin Patch
Preston stood so still and took it all in!
Happy Fall Ya'll!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fall is in the Air!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010
TTC Update
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Did I mention...
Things to get done
1. Get Organized!!! My house is so cluttered I need to do something to straighten it up.
2. Get P organized! He has way too many toys so i need to go through them and put up stuff he is too old for.
3. finally upload beach pictures and write a blog about our trip...other than discussing coke :o)
4. clean out my drawers and closet! I have TONS of pre-baby clothes that i will never fit into ever again! If you need some clothes ( some with tags still attached I am sure) let me know I might have something that will fit you ( sizes 6 and below).
5. Actually use the treadmill I begged Robert to buy me...and for longer than 10 minutes.
6. Learn to paint and actually use it. I have brushes and paints but just don't take the time to paint anything.
8. take more video of Preston.
9. Start MIT at Morningview and attend more regularly on Sunday nights.
10. spend more time with my nana and pawpaw.
11. come up with a schedule for cleaning house.
Thats all I can think of at the moment...although i am sure there are tons more that i will think of later...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Beach Trip 10

Anywho, sorry for the coke ramblings i do that a lot on here. The beach was great! I got way to much sun and ate too much. I promise i will get pics on here tomorrow while P naps. Love to all!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Bittersweet part :o)
Mrs. Peggy and Mr. Keith,
I am so thankful that you were there to take care of my sweet baby boy for me so I did not have to put him into Daycare at 11 mths old. I am thankful that you gave up new found retirement to babysit a toddler four days a week for next to nothing. I am thankful that you fell as much in love with him as he did with you. I am thankful that we have reconnected with people I can always trust and can call on in times of need or friendship. I am thankful that you taught him where his fingers and toes were when I couldn't and you helped him learn his colors (especially pink he told me about pink yesterday). He is so smart and I am so thankful that he learned so much while he was with you and that ya'll took the time to teach him and play with him. I am thankful that you took him outside and allowed Moxie to hang out because he so loves to play with her. I am thankful for everything you have ever done for our sweet boy! Words can not begin to express how thankful Robert and I are that you took time out of your life for ours. We are forever grateful and don't know how we will ever be able to repay you for your kindness and generosity!
Jennifer, Robert and Preston
I thought I would make it the whole day without crying ;o)