Saturday, February 26, 2011

21 weeks 2 days

So went to my appt on Friday with hopes that the Doc would lift my restrictions but was told I had to stay on them until we could get an US 4 weeks from yesterday. BLAH! That stinks I was really dissappointed but kinda figured it would happen. On the 25th of March I will have an US at almost 25 weeks to check the placement of my placenta. Right now I am considered Marginal Previa, when the placenta is 2 cm to just right before it touches the cervix, and we are waiting to see if it will move up as I get bigger. Dr. Desautels said that he isn't concerned yet as its pretty common on 2nd pregnancies. He said that most of the time it corrects itself and there is nothing to worry about. I told him I wasn't worried and that I would worry about it when he is. We will check it at 24 weeks and see how much it has moved and if he isn't satisfied by that then we will check it again at closer to 30 weeks. He said they are almost always corrected by 32 weeks. If the placenta moves down into a partial or full previa then we will have to delivery Huxley via C Section about a week early. I really really hope it corrects itself as I don't want to have a c-section. I am really thinking it will and hope that I get to have that moment of going into labor on my own. So only time will tell. I will try to get all two readers of my blog updated as we progress! Thanks to everyones kind words of encouragement and prayers.


  1. You are brave and I commend you for that. God is in control and whatever is best for Hux is best for you and He will deliver you through. We are praying for the change and that you will have a peace of mind about it all. We love you!

  2. Thanks girlie! I know that it will all work itself out. Can't wait to see you this week!

  3. Jennifer, I came upon your blog and I've been reading. I had previa with Anna Lynn (who came in December) and it corrected, so I'm praying the same for you! Take heart, not too much longer until Huxley is here!

  4. Thanks for the sweet words and prayers!!! I am not too worried about it myself. I don't figure there is any point in getting myself upset and worried over something I have no control over. A friend said today wow its March only 4 more months until our babies are here!!! I thought to myself WOW I need to get a move on LOL
