Yep that's me...somewhere between 29 weeks 1 day and 31 weeks...I don't even know anymore. Friday started out our weekend with a free ultrasound (US) from
Trenholm Tech. It was great! The
instructor, April, Robert actually ended up knowing as she used to go to our church. The check out Huxley and showed the girls in her class what they were looking for then handed over the wand to them to get some practice. The girls were super sweet and and were shocked at how much and how hard Huxley kicks and moves. He even kicked the wand so hard once it jumped off my belly
lol. Once they had practiced measuring his legs and arms and the
amniotic fluid April returned and remeasured everything and took some pics for us.During the training portion I had told Robert that Huxley's legs looked awfully chunky to be in the first part of my last trimester. Robert agreed but he just assumed that was normal. While April was measuring everything she said so you are almost 31 weeks huh...I said no we are almost 29 weeks...she said well I am measuring him as 30 weeks 4 days with a due date of June 29, 2010...I then noticed on her screen that it said his weight was 3lbs 5 oz...I asked if that was correct and she double checked and informed me it was. For once I was relieved! I am bigger than I should be because I am carrying a small giant
LOL. I told her that I had a
Dr's appt that morning at 11 and I would talk with my doctor about it.
Fast forward to 11...or shall we say 1145 because that is when I finally saw my doctor...I asked him about measuring big. He said that from the tape measure he was measuring me about 2 weeks ahead as well. I told him about the US and he said that if I am still measuring big in 2-4 weeks then he would order an US and see about changing my due date. So excited that this little one might be here early! But scared because I don't have the first thing done to his nursery!!!
Anywho that's pretty much it. I go back to the doc on the 9t
h of May and am looking forward to seeing if this baby is leveling out or still measuring big...right now if he continues on his weight gain he is estimated to be anywhere from 8 lbs to up to 10 lbs!!! Please Lord let this baby be 8 lbs if that is the case.
So excited about that lil man!!!! Can't wait to meet him.