Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How far is too far?

So I was surfing the web and came across this article that I thought was appropriate to share. As a mother of two boys I find myself trying to teach Preston (Huxley is obviously a tad young) that we are all different and that God makes us a certain way. That we are all beautiful no matter our looks or circumstances and that we should be compassionate to all people. This article really struck me. As a girl that has ears that are less than perfect I completely felt compassion for this 14 year old girl and understood how having it fixed would "make it all better". However at the same time I am enraged that she felt that she had to have surgery not only on her ears but also have plastic surgery on her nose and chin at the same time just because. Some may say you have no right to judge and I don't and I am not judging. Having been in her shoes I remember thinking how if I could just have surgery all would be better...when my mom offered to have my ears done I remember thinking how easy it would be to do that but what kind of message would I be sending those that "bullied" me? Having them fixed would only make them win. In the long run it made me stronger and made me realize that we are all not the same and that no one is perfect. It taught me to be compassionate to those who have it worse off than myself and to those doing the bullying (they are obviously sad with their lives if they feel the need to put others down to feel better about themselves). It taught me to be strong and comfortable in who I am period! Yes I could have gone out and gotten them pinned but now its just one more amazing thing about myself. I define who I am not society. I decided to embrace myself, love myself and realize I was made perfectly by my heavenly Father and He knows better than me.  At 14 we are all awkward and gawky. I feel stronger about myself now than I ever have. Yes I might be heavier than I would like to be and definitely considered obese by societies standards but I don't care. I love myself. While I understand her mom just wanting to make her daughter feel better and stop the pain (I really do understand I would probably feel the same way with both my boys) I wish she had built her up instead of agreeing that she needed surgery. High school can be really cruel I get it but its just a point in life, a chapter in a book, that will pass and be forgotten with age. Don't let those bad times define you as a person and use your differences to help others in the future.

What do you think? Do you think they should have done the surgery?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Wow where has the time gone?!?! This time last year I was not so patiently awaiting Huxley's arrival! I was swollen beyond belief and everyone I saw said I wouldn't make it over night and that baby was coming any second...they were wrong lol. As I look back at this sweet boy I am reminded of his birthday and how he was such a blessing and still blesses us every single day. I thought I would take a second to write down a few things Huxley is currently doing since you know the second kid always gets the shaft on pictures and baby book memories...

Huxley at a year:

He is smiling and laughing A LOT!

He waves and says bye bye and blows the most delicious kisses complete with a cute even if he misses his mouth sometimes in excitement and blows kisses from his forehead ;o)

He is cruising around furniture like its is nobodies business...if I could just get him comfortable enough to move away from the furniture he would be running everywhere.

He can stand unassisted for a little bit...even though he thinks it is an opportunity to bounce.

He has decided that throwing himself off the love seat is a fun game!!! I have learned to hold his ankle when he is up there...I decided his middle name should have been Danger...

He LOVES spaghetti and Spaghetti O' growls out an MMMMMM when you feed him. I think its his fav dish thus far.

He says a good bit of words...bye, hello, mama, dadda, bubba, it's good, stop, dog, I did it, car, Thank you (he said once and has yet to say it again but the lady he told said it was a def thank you and I agreed)....I know there are a few more but you get the drift.

He has started holding the phone to his ear and saying bye bye and hello.

You can chant go go go and he will pump his lil arm up and still my heart it's the cutest thing EVER!

He doesn't like his feet in the grass.

He LOVES and I mean LOVES like  no other to be pushed in his lil car or the wagon outside. He could do it all day long...and cries when you stop.

He is a grazer. He doesn't sit long to eat...I hate it but am trying to embrace it and shovel in the food as fast as possible before he decides to wander ;o)

He has stopped sleeping through the night!!! Yes people my wonderful sleeper wakes up every night sometime between 2 am and 4:30 am....I don't know what to do about it. I have tried letting him cry it out like I did with Preston but he just gets louder and cries 10 times longer than P ever did. This all started when the major ear infections I am thinking teething??? I go in and feed him and give him more Advil and he goes right back to sleep...any advice...I am terrified of what the battle will be like when i take away that bedtime bottle.

He is already starting to hold his own with Preston...He gets pushed and popped a couple times a day and he is quickly catching on...I think he is going to be my hitter :o(

He is stubborn and hard headed and hand pops mean NOTHING to this lil fella.

He is so sweet and LOVES to hug P and wrestle with him. Its the cutest thing ever.

He also throws one heck of a fit! Complete with rolling on the floor and flailing about. It's entertaining and funny now but I know it won't be in a few months.

That is pretty much it for now...Have I bored ya'll to tears??? I will try to update more often and also update when I get his one year stats!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Is it possible...

that L'oreal Kids is the best shampoo ever?!?!? I ran out of my pantene and had to use Preston's shampoo...I topped it off with my pantene conditioner and oh my goodness! My hair is so soft and so shiny and it looks dare I say it...HEALTHY?!? I am even going to pick up another bottle soon lol So if you have hair like mine give it a try! Or even if you don't give it a try... I think you will like it!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Guess who finally broke past her Plateau weight?!?!?! I didn't think I would ever make it there but running on the treadmill 6 days a week has already helped me A LOT! I can now run a definite mile and sometimes 1.5 without stopping at 5 mph. I am doing 2.5 miles every day but Sunday! Now I just gotta drop this last 18 lbs and I will be one happy girl!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Down with some pounds!

So a friend has inspired me to start dieting again! I am determined to drop another 20-25 lbs before summer and have decided to be really really strict about my eating, allowing onely one day to cheat. So far today I have done REALLY good. The only time I caved was I had two lil cheese puff balls while fixing Preston's lunch. I don't think that is so bad for the first day...However I tend to snack at night so we will see how tonight goes. I am doing without carbs for two weeks...I know our body needs carbs people so don't worry I plan on adding back in complex carbs after two weeks without. I think it will help me in eating clean better. Lots of lean proteins and veggies and salads. I thought about it the other day and realized the only one eating clean and healthy in this house is Huxley since I make his food. I started thinking about it while making baby food the other day and thought its not hard to cook with fresh stuff for him so it shouldn't be for us either. I am thinking of trying to give up so many of our processed foods. So if you have any yummy healthy recipes let me know...I am going to need them. Especially if it involves cooking with fresh veggies.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Being Supermom

So not too long ago a wonderful friend commented that she wished she could be more like me as a mom! She said you have it so together! You never seem frustrated and just are the most amazing mom ever. I wish I was as together as you are...I had to laugh at her because I am sooo totally the opposite lol. Amid my laughter I thanked her but told her that i am definitely NOT supermom and depend on God daily for grace, sanctification and humility! There are days that I get upset with my toddler and holler when I shouldn't which leads me to apologizing and asking forgiveness from a 3 year old (thankfully he always forgives me and accepts my apology with hugs and kisses). There are days that I ask God for patience more than I would like to admit. I am only human and fall short of God's grace everyday but yet He loves me anyway. No matter how vile I feel that I am. I know I have looked at fellow friends and said the same thing! You are so together and your kids are perfect. I recently got to witness a friend that I felt this way abouts child have a temper tantrum (really I have never seen this child misbehave) and I had to smile to myself to be reminded that there really is no such thing as Supermom we are all in the same boat learning and growing together. So the next time a child has an outburst in public and the mom looks frustrated give her a smile instead of a dirty glare. You never know what she is dealing with.