Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Wow where has the time gone?!?! This time last year I was not so patiently awaiting Huxley's arrival! I was swollen beyond belief and everyone I saw said I wouldn't make it over night and that baby was coming any second...they were wrong lol. As I look back at this sweet boy I am reminded of his birthday and how he was such a blessing and still blesses us every single day. I thought I would take a second to write down a few things Huxley is currently doing since you know the second kid always gets the shaft on pictures and baby book memories...

Huxley at a year:

He is smiling and laughing A LOT!

He waves and says bye bye and blows the most delicious kisses complete with a MUAH...so cute even if he misses his mouth sometimes in excitement and blows kisses from his forehead ;o)

He is cruising around furniture like its is nobodies business...if I could just get him comfortable enough to move away from the furniture he would be running everywhere.

He can stand unassisted for a little bit...even though he thinks it is an opportunity to bounce.

He has decided that throwing himself off the love seat is a fun game!!! I have learned to hold his ankle when he is up there...I decided his middle name should have been Danger...

He LOVES spaghetti and Spaghetti O's...like growls out an MMMMMM when you feed him. I think its his fav dish thus far.

He says a good bit of words...bye, hello, mama, dadda, bubba, it's good, stop, dog, I did it, car, Thank you (he said once and has yet to say it again but the lady he told said it was a def thank you and I agreed)....I know there are a few more but you get the drift.

He has started holding the phone to his ear and saying bye bye and hello.

You can chant go go go and he will pump his lil arm up and down...be still my heart it's the cutest thing EVER!

He doesn't like his feet in the grass.

He LOVES and I mean LOVES like  no other to be pushed in his lil car or the wagon outside. He could do it all day long...and cries when you stop.

He is a grazer. He doesn't sit long to eat...I hate it but am trying to embrace it and shovel in the food as fast as possible before he decides to wander ;o)

He has stopped sleeping through the night!!! Yes people my wonderful sleeper wakes up every night sometime between 2 am and 4:30 am....I don't know what to do about it. I have tried letting him cry it out like I did with Preston but he just gets louder and cries 10 times longer than P ever did. This all started when the major ear infections hit...now I am thinking teething??? I go in and feed him and give him more Advil and he goes right back to sleep...any advice...I am terrified of what the battle will be like when i take away that bedtime bottle.

He is already starting to hold his own with Preston...He gets pushed and popped a couple times a day and he is quickly catching on...I think he is going to be my hitter :o(

He is stubborn and hard headed and hand pops mean NOTHING to this lil fella.

He is so sweet and LOVES to hug P and wrestle with him. Its the cutest thing ever.

He also throws one heck of a fit! Complete with rolling on the floor and flailing about. It's entertaining and funny now but I know it won't be in a few months.

That is pretty much it for now...Have I bored ya'll to tears??? I will try to update more often and also update when I get his one year stats!