WOW! Where did the last two years go?!?! My baby is two y'all and I can barely hold back the tears! It seems like just yesterday I was documenting his
birth. He went for his check up today and for the first time in his life is average on height and weight. The big boy that once was isn't anymore. He weighed in at 28.2 lbs (prob due to his lack of eating this last month) and is 34 inches tall. Originally Dr M said that if he keeps growing at the speed he was he would be super tall (like 6'4 6'5 tall) But today proved differently. He isn't going to be but around 5'9 5'10 haha. Looks like big brother will end up being bigger than him after all ;) We celebrated his birthday on the 6th with a bouncy house, pizza family and a couple of his friends. It poured down rain but at least we got to bounce for about 30 minutes. He was an old pro at opening gifts and loved every second of it. We are so thankful to everyone that came and thank everyone for the gifts he is still in toy heaven ;)
Here is what Huxley is up to these days:
Talking ALOT! He says lots of words and phrases and his favorite question is What's that country :)
He has learned to jump. Not only on the ground but off of things which makes for a nervous mommy...still considering changing his middle name to Danger...
He tee tee's in the potty anywhere from 2-5 times a day. Honestly it just depends on his mood and mine. I don't think he is fully ready to PT but def in the next few months for sure.
He is extremely independent and stubborn.
He is already experiencing the terrible twos...I am hoping that means he will be a breeze at 3.
He loves his woody and bulls-eye toy.
He has found and uses his pocket on his shorts all the time.
He requests jeans almost every single day we get dressed...
He is in love with Yo Gabba Gabba. Muno and Brobee are his fav but I love to hear him say TOODEE lol
He is working on two year molars and has been a terror. (So thankful for Advil and Hylands)
He is a mama's boy and doesn't get far from me... He is sitting in my lap right now as I type this...
He loves Salsa and calls it sauce sauce.
He loves to paint.
His favorite songs are happy birthday, if you're happy and you know it, and a song I made up called Baby.
He loves to sing and loves an audience if you don't listen he gets louder.
He loves a vacuum cleaner and wants to help often.
His favorite chores are helping feeding the dogs, putting his dirty clothes in the hamper at bath time, and helping load the dishwasher (although not neatly and I have to go back and rearrange). He will also wipe down anything with a baby wipe. Walls and table tops are his specialty.
He can count to ten with help.
He gives awesome hugs and often shares random kisses with me :o)
He pronounces love you as lub vu...I don't correct him because I hope he never stops.
hmmm I think that is pretty much it that I can think of right now with this big two year old sitting on my lap trying to color the computer desk and push buttons on the key board.