Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life so far

So far life's been busy as everything but in a good way. Both boys have been in school, P five days and H two days, so I spend a bit more time in the car. Mondays and Fridays I take p and pick up then Wednesdays I just have to pick him up. My mom is awesome and takes the boys tues-thurs bc she works there so that is a big help! Thanks mom! So what's been going on you ask? Well we went to the beach for a week and it was so nice! The boys had a blast and even though my job didn't stop while we were there I had lots of help since my parents went too. The water was great with little seaweed most days but we did see quite a few jellies :( P got stung in two places by one jelly and my mom got stung too. White vinegar works wonders to stop the sting. He is 4 and cried for like 2 minutes then went back in. Such a brave fella. I won't bore you with every last detail so enjoy the photo bomb :)
This was right after :) 
So that's it! The weather was gorgeous and we really enjoyed ourselves. We LOVE Destin. If you ever get the chance to visit do it! 

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