Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In the last week...

We've all been sick. It started Tuesday with sweet baby love
He was by far the hardest part of this week long bug that has run through my family faster than anything I've ever seen. 
I mean really?! Do you know how hard it is to make a two year old throw up in something and not on you, him, and everything surrounding? I'm pretty sure it's impossible.
Victim #2 was my fav big kid: it got him Friday causing R and I to miss an out of town overnight trip to Birmingham. Boo :( but big kid felt so bad that I just couldn't help but not care about missing our trip. His virus was worse than SBL's and sent us to the doc for a Zofran shot. 
He was by far the most pitiful. Literally though the Zofran=miracle cure! He was better by the time we walked outta there.

Yep you got it! Victim number three was me! I came down with it Saturday afternoon. But it took me way longer to re cooperate and I didn't feel better til Sunday night. 

Last but not least my poor husband. He felt fine Monday and left on his outta town trip to Auburn. He texted me Tuesday morning saying it had gotten him at 230 am. He was like Preston by far the sickest. I ended up dropping everything to take him the Zofran prescribed to big kid and taking him tons of fluids crackers and chicken noodle soup to help nurse him back to health. After two zofran and a good nights sleep he is back at work today. It's been a really tough week I tell ya. Mama is def happy all my ducklings are feeling better. I hope that that nasty bug hasn't affected any of y'all and if it has bless you is terrible. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Boy

This little guy has been waking up so cranky for probably the last few months. Instantly screaming and crying in his bed probably bc he is woken up before he is ready by a loud brother. This morning I dressed P downstairs and we were quiet as mice. He woke up after 8 (which is rare) and he laid playing in his bed talking and laughing until 845 when I finally decided to go get him up. This is the smile that greeted me at the door. He instantly wanted to get dressed (another rarity). We started his morning with chocolate milk and a chocolate chip pancake and a whole lot of this:
Light sabers they "won" at the fair. They have been so much fun! And the light saber noise he makes is even funner lol. I hope everyone is having as great a morning as we are. If not I hope that sweet smile makes you smile this morning. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life so far

So far life's been busy as everything but in a good way. Both boys have been in school, P five days and H two days, so I spend a bit more time in the car. Mondays and Fridays I take p and pick up then Wednesdays I just have to pick him up. My mom is awesome and takes the boys tues-thurs bc she works there so that is a big help! Thanks mom! So what's been going on you ask? Well we went to the beach for a week and it was so nice! The boys had a blast and even though my job didn't stop while we were there I had lots of help since my parents went too. The water was great with little seaweed most days but we did see quite a few jellies :( P got stung in two places by one jelly and my mom got stung too. White vinegar works wonders to stop the sting. He is 4 and cried for like 2 minutes then went back in. Such a brave fella. I won't bore you with every last detail so enjoy the photo bomb :)
This was right after :) 
So that's it! The weather was gorgeous and we really enjoyed ourselves. We LOVE Destin. If you ever get the chance to visit do it!