Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Birthday Gifts!
So Preston is turning 3 on Friday and this mama is soooo not ready for it. I mean seriously where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and now he is a rambunctious 3 year old who loves cars, tractors, super heros and Nick Jr. I mean really?!?Anyway he got his first birthday card in the mail yesterday! Inside was a gift card to Target from Robert's Aunt Barbara and Uncle Joe (Thanks by the way P LOVED shopping and paying all by himself). He instantly asked what it was and I told him...which then followed up with let's go to Target now! Since we had nothing else to do and I was anxious to get out of the house we went to Target. You would have thought he about to die with excitement when we hit the toy aisle! He pushed every button and looked at every toy imaginable! I never dreamed it would take an hour and a half to spend 25 dollars but it did and he made sure he got the best toy he could afford. I tried my darnedest to get him to purchase a pair of shoes and I probably should have made him but it was his first gift card that he could actually spend himself so I caved and let him enjoy being a kid. He walked down every aisle and hollered lots of Oooooos and AHHHHHS along with THAT'S SO COOL and I NEED THAT! It did give me an opportunity to tell him the difference between needing and wanting the end of the trip he was correctly telling me he wanted something instead. I was elated when we FINALLY decided on a Hot Wheels car that has "hydraulics" and does wheelies. It had it's engine out (according to P) and that was cool so the blue car with flames came home with us...I am regretting this decision though because it is loud and doesn't have a lower volume. O well we are only children once right?!?
4 month stats!
Well I am again late on the posting! Huxley is almost 5 months and again I have yet to take his four month picture! I will try to take one before he hits 5 months and will just upload pics. I don't know why I post them since the only people that read my blog see him in real life about once a week lol. O well. We went back to the Dr for his well baby check up (except he was still sick with the flu :o( ). Everything looked really good! He weighed 17.2 lbs and was 25.5 inches long. His head was 17.5 cm? He was in the top 10% for height and weight and is in the top 5% in his head circumference. Baby boy is going to be BIG!!! We started Cereal in a bowl which even though I wasn't supposed to I add a fruit to it. He seems to like it ok but would just prefer a bottle. I hope its just because he isn't used to it yet. We are about 3 lbs away from outgrowing his infant carrier so all I can hope is that it will last until at least January/February so I can get past Christmas and purchase P a new seat so Huxley can have his old one. I am kind of excited about getting Preston a new seat though. I think I have decided on the Britax Frontier 85 or the one with side impact cushions. I would like to have the one with the side impact but fear it won't fit in my car as of now. Our next vehicle will be a van so I know it will fit there but right now is when I really need it to fit so we will see. He is all excited about getting a big boy booster seat...part of me is excited with him but part of me is pretty sad about it! Where did my baby go??? Anyway I won't bore ya'll any longer with my random rambling. I promise to post more often and less wordy word and more pics!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Can I just say I HATE Alzheimer's???? I really do! My Pawpaw has it and it is such a vicious disease. It really tears me apart the days he has bad days. Here lately it seems as though he has more of the bad days than good days. He hasn't forgotten us but he sure does revert to the past a lot. Please say a prayer for my family and for him and anyone else that is having to deal with such a heartbreaking disease.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Where in the world are the Martins?!?!
Wow its been a while since I have last posted!!! I completely missed Huxley's 3 mth stuff! A quick recap of his 3rd month of wonderfulness is as follows:
Went to drs appt for sickness chunk weighed in a little before his 3rd month birthday at 14.14 without eating lol. We started him on Zantac and that helped for a while but it has since been changed to a generic for Prevacid. I can't really tell if its doing much since you can still hear the reflux but he isn't crying so I guess it's working.
His four month well baby check up isn't until the 14th of november however we did go to the Doctor on the 8th and found that poor Frank has the flu :o( Poor lil guy woke with a fever of 103.8!!! If that isn't enough to make even the most seasoned mama freak I don't know what is lol. I called Robert in tears because I have never had a child have a fever that high. Deep down I knew it was the flu I just prayed it wasn't. But on the upside we have been pumping him full of Advil and he seems to be feeling better...for the most part. Such a sweet lil guy!
We took Preston trick or treating for the first time this year. He was Thomas the Train and oh so cute! My sweet brother came and went with us so that I wouldn't have to take both boys by myself in the dark. I am soooo thankful he went too. I always like to think I am supermom but what kind of mom goes trick or the dark without a flashlight or glow stick!?!? My brother had a flashlight though...he is so smart...even if we were already half way around the block before we pulled it out to use it lol ;o) P had a great time and got lots of candy that Robert and I are still enjoying lol. Secretly I despise Halloween candy since I am the one that ends up eating it. Not good for the diet I am on lol.
Other than that not a whole lot to report on the home front. Robert is still working lots but it's ok. I know that eventually he will be home with us at decent hours and actually be able to enjoy his boys. I know Preston will be glad when he is home and I start to cook again! Poor lil fella has had lots of chicken nuggets and grilled chicken strips here lately. I made him instant mashed potatoes last night to go with his grilled chicken to which he proclaimed was SOOO GOOD! lol He is such a sweet boy!
Please continue to pray for my grandfather. He has had 3 surgeries in probably 8 weeks and is having a really hard time with confusion and not getting enough sleep. Reality is setting in the he won't be around forever and that he has serious health issues. He has Alzheimers and isn't doing the best. Please pray for him and our family.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Huxley 2 months
Where has the last two months gone?!? I sure don't know! So far this month Huxley has been doing good. He is still waking up (occasionally) at 4 to eat a bottle but other nights he sleeps til 6 eats and then takes his morning nap. He is smiling A LOT and will even smile back at you when you smile at him. He coos and I really think he is trying to laugh. Twice he has made a chuckle when I said something or made a funny noise. Its so cute! I cannot seem to catch it on video though. So far this month he had his first "sick" appt. He somehow managed to get an ingrown fingernail that somehow got infected so he was on Cephlex (spell?) twice a day for 10 days. He was also diagnosed with reflux and is now on Zantac twice a day. It seems to be working and we actually have pleasant days most days. He is growing like a weed and is getting so big! He is eating cereal in his night time bottles and is consuming 4-6 ounces each feeding. Big boy loves his food and cries when I take it away to burp lol. Silly Frank!
Here are his stats from his 2 month appt:
He weighs 13 lbs 11 ounces and is in the top 10 percentile
He is 23.25 inches long and is in the top 30%
his head is 16.75 inches! I believe he is in the top 5% for this one...I will have to double check and get back to you.
He got 3 shots and one oral and cried so hard. I felt terrible because he was just a smiling and cooing at me when he got stuck. His face turned red and he screamed and cried really loud...broke my heart! He did good though. Never ran a fever and was only slightly crabby the rest of the day mainly he just slept a lot that day. I snuggled him all day poor lil fella!
Other than that we are doing well. I promise to post pics soon. I just don't have my camera handy to do so anytime soon. Hope everyone is doing well!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Huxley 1 month old!

So I should have posted a while ago but just got behind. Huxley is growing at an alarming rate and it feels like I blinked and he was already a month old! We went to his appt with Dr Morrison thinking he would get shots...I had mentally prepared for some shots but he didn't get any...Just a heel prick :o( He sobbed and sobbed and I somehow managed to keep my composure. I don't particularly care much for the nurse that did it and have had issues with her in the past but oh well it was just one time and I hope we don't have her again anytime soon.
Here are his stats: He weighed 11 pounds even, is 21.5 inches tall and his head was 15.75 inches around. He is growing so fast and eating lots and lots. He is mainly a happy baby but has had some issues with gas so he gets gas drops before every bottle. That seems to help. He is sleeping pretty much all night he goes to bed at 8 and then wakes up around 4:30 to eat. Then goes back to sleep until 6:30 or 7. We have had our tough days but we are slowly starting to figure out each others routines and things are going smoother. We have been so blessed with him as our son.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Huxley's Birthday Story!

So I have taken forever to finally sit down and recount the day we were blessed with Huxley's safe arrival into this world. I've sat down numerous times to tell his story but was called away by Preston or by the screams of our newest family member. So finally I have some time.
Our story begins on Wednesday 7/6/11. Robert worked til 5 so my mom decided to go with me to check into the hospital to start the induction process. I was sooo excited but deep down so worried that something would go wrong. Since I had such an easy pregnancy I was worried that delivery would be bad or something would go wrong. I was admitted to Labor and Delivery room 2 (which is super nice for all my preggers friends)

I put on my gown and meet my first nurse of the day (I don't remember her name but she was super sweet) She asks if it is OK for a student nurse to shadow her and I say sure. She also wants to let the student nurse put in my IV for practice...I really didn't want to let her but since I am so nice I agreed and said that would be fine. (she did really good and only had to stick me twice which is pretty good since I have such small veins). I get the IV in and it burns like I have never felt before...nurse assures me that its normal and will wear off. 20 minutes later it felt somewhat better but still sore. Dr comes in to check me and give me my first dose of Cytotec. He announces that I am not even 2 cm dilated but that I am close to a two. Robert gets there along with Preston and my dad. We watch some TV and just hang out. I start having small contractions sometime around 7ish but nothing painful. I get my second dose of cytotec at 9 pm. Contractions are starting to feel slightly uncomfortable but nothing I cannot handle and NOTHING like the back pain I felt with Preston. Robert falls asleep and I try really hard. Long about 12 i finally fall asleep...Nurse comes in to give me 3rd dose of Cytotec but checks me first. She announces that I am 3 cm and 50% effaced and that I cannot have another dose of meds. She asks if I need any pain meds and I told her no that I felt OK and my pain was probably only a 2. Robert calls my mom to tell her then goes back to sleep...I am too excited to sleep and I think I stay up all night. Nurse Kara comes back in at 5 to check me and start my pitocin and tells me that I am still at a 3 and asks if I want to go ahead and get an epidural. The pain isn't bad and honestly I wanted to wait for the epidural but was encouraged to go ahead and get one since there were 5-6 C Sections lined up and she didn't want me to have to wait should the pain get too intense for the nurse anethesist to come in. I agreed and by 530 was sitting over the side of the bed waiting for the needle. Dana said that I had lots of swelling and had to stick me a couple times eventually the epi went in and all went numb. However I found it strange that I could still move my legs. My mom showed up by 6 and we waited. I put on make up and waited. Family started trickling in and my sweet friend Emily showed up to take pictures about 830.

Family started to arrive and I was the happiest person in labor ever. I kept marveling over how easy it had been and how less painful it was than when I was in labor with Preston. Dr.Desautels came in to check on me and said that he though we would definitely have a baby by 2 o clock that afternoon and that everything looked good.

Long about 12 another nurse named Jennifer (she was filling in for Melissa who would be my LD nurse when Huxley was born) came in to check me. I was beginning to suspect something was wrong since the nurses kept coming in and moving me around from right to left. They never did that with Preston and when doing so apparently caused my cath from the Epidural to shift resulting in feeling coming back in my right side. Melissa had come in a teeny bit earlier and had told me that she was going to sit me straight up so that gravity would do its part and help me along in labor. After checking me I was sat upright. I was at a 5.

(this is right after I talked to the dr).

Dr. Desautels came back in about 8 minutes and checked me again. By this time we had booked an OR and when the nurse came in to wheel me back Dr D announced that I was complete and going to push. There were probably 30 plus people in the room all hospital staff. I think I began to push before everyone left the room. Poor Robert got caught at my feet when I started to push and I thought he was going to pass out...
He hung in there though and did great! I pushed as hard as I could 3 sets of 3. A monitor was placed on Huxley's head and vacuum was used on my last set of pushes

When the vacuum didn't work. Suddenly the Doctor screamed get me an OR STAT. The nurses started throwing cords and stuff on my bed and everyone became worrisome and frantic. I was told we were having an Emergency C Section and that we had to hurry. I was rushed out without my bed even attached at the bottom and the Dr screamed to get dad some scrubs. By this point I was more worried about something being wrong with my baby. However I was eerily calm.

Once in the OR I was moved to the operating table and was relieved to see Ken Duke had scrubbed in to be in my surgery. Having him there was such a blessing. Especially when Robert wouldn't be allowed in. In a rush to fix my failed epi I was administered with stronger drugs that didn't work either. After being pinched and telling them I could feel everything I was told I would be put under and that they have to get Huxley out ASAP. I remember the Anesthesiologist telling me who he was and Ken looking down at me and saying how shocked he was that I was so calm. My last thought was if I die I hope Preston and Robert know how much I love them and I hope that they can save Huxley. The next thing I know everything is going fuzzy...I remember the clock reading around 115 when we got into the OR. Suddenly I am awake in recovery, which I thought I was in a hallway lol. My mom was there telling me everything went great. I kept asking all these questions like where was my baby and how much did he weigh and his length to the nurse.
It was 2:30 and Huxley had entered the world at 1:47! Robert came in shortly after and then a nurse brought Huxley in to see me. Oh my word he was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I immediately cried when I held him. I nursed him and couldn't believe he was here after all the chaos. He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 21 inches of sheer perfection! After talking to my doctor he told me that my placenta had in fact started to detach and that we had to get Huxley out ASAP or he wouldn't have survived. He said that I had lost A LOT of blood but that he was shocked to see how well my blood count was the following morning.

Overall it wasn't anything like my birth plan but I wouldn't change the way it happened for anything. It really taught me to be humble and that I have to put my trust in God for everything even in the scary times when things look uncertain.
Friday, June 24, 2011
37 weeks 4 days
So nothing to report for this appt. I have been super busy and Monday even walked on the treadmill to try and get things moving for Huxley to come. Really had some decent contractions on Tuesday but it turns out was false labor. Contractions stopped by 1:30 or 2 and all was normal after that. Woke up Wednesday morning and was having some minor contractions but they went away as soon as I bathed and ate breakfast and got moving. Went to the Dr and everything is the same as last week. 1 cm dilated and no effacement. Its soooo annoying! The same thing happened with Preston and I am super sad it just didn't work the way I had hoped. I know its all in God's timing though so I just need to be patient! As of right now we are still set to induce on the 7th but my feet have been so swollen they hurt. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday and hopefully i can convince him to induce Friday the 1st! But we will see. Either way he will definitely be here in two weeks! I CANNOT wait!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
36 weeks 4 days
So I went to the doctor this morning and everything still looks good. My BP is still good and he said my weight still looks good. I am 1 centimeter dilated but not yet effaced. I was happy to hear that I was progressing but honestly thought I would have started to efface by now. So needless to say I was kinda bummed when he said I wasn't. When I told him that everyone keeps telling me that he will be here by the 25th he said thats two weeks from now...I don't honestly see that being the case but anything is possible :o( He said that Huxley isn't fully engaged in the birth canal yet but that normally that doesn't happen until the 38 week marker. So now we are just playing the wait and see game. I am so ready for him to be here! I want to meet him and see his face and tell him how much I love him and am excited to be his mommy! Now if I could just get time to move on faster :o)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
35 weeks 4 days
So I am finally here! I have made it to the last month of my pregnancy and I couldn't be more excited!!! Went to my appt this morning and so far my BP is good, my weight is great (he even told me he was proud of me for my weight gain since the big 9 lb slip up in February). So far I am not dilated any but my cervix is starting to soften and he said that he can tell that Huxley's head is definitely head down in the birth canal but not completely down yet which is OK. I go back next Wednesday and we will see if I have made any progress. Dr. Desautel didn't think that I would progress any this week but he said that he thinks I will have made some progress by 37 weeks. He said he definitely wants Huxley to stay in til 37 weeks and so far we are still set on Inducing 7/7/11 if he hasn't made an appearance before then. Fingers crossed he will come before then because I am READY!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Who knows anymore? Not me!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Next Picasso???
Had a hunch yesterday to buy some canvas' from Hobby Lobby to test P's painting ability. I love to paint (even though I stink at it) so I had hopes that he would too! Boy was I excited when he showed me that he not only LOVES to paint but is really serious about it...or at least looks like he is :o)

He kept telling me that it was beu-i-ful! Of Course I totally agreed with him. What do you think? This is the first painting from Preston Picasso.
Here he was not so patiently waiting for me to get the brush and paint ready to paint his hands and feet for his second art piece. It was going to be something that said I Love being your Big Brother and we were going to hang it in Huxley's room but my canvas wasn't big enough.

Getting his feet painted. He kept laughing and saying it was tickling his toes :o)
The finished project. Originally those paint marks in the middle weren't supposed to be there. I went to clean a brush and he decided it needed something extra.
The mess we had after our paintings. It was so worth the mess though for such a precious time with my favorite big boy!
I actually still have to wash out the paint pallets and clean up all our paints and put them away since I had to pull Picasso away from painting so he could eat some dinner. Already trying to sacrifice something for his craft lol. We are going to do a couple more canvases and we are going to paint a welcome home pop pop sign to take to the airport on Friday for when my dad comes home. He has been out of the state for work for the last month so I thought it would be a sweet way for him to be welcomed back by his favorite grandson. If you haven't painted with your kid I say go for it! We had a blast. The only reason we did it inside is because of the rain but it worked out great since we have a glass table top.
Getting his feet painted. He kept laughing and saying it was tickling his toes :o)
Friday, March 25, 2011
25 weeks 2 days
So I am still officially measuring two days ahead. Started my morning by waking up super early in order to make it to my appt at 8 am on Taylor road. Had to do the 2 hr glucose test today and let me tell you that sugar drink is WAYYYYY better cold. It was sooo gross hot I literally spent that hour waiting to give blood trying to keep it down. I gave blood three different times once when I got there, one and hour after finishing the drink, and then lastly an hour after i gave blood the last time. My arms officially look like I have been doing drugs.
We did get to have an US today to check on the location of my placenta and it proved to be a good visit. Not only has my placenta moved but it has moved to where it is supposed to be! Dr. Desautel figured it would take longer and was shocked and happy when he saw that it corrected itself so fast! We are super excited! No more rest and restrictions! Yippee! Watch out floors you are going to get a good sweeping and mopping ASAP. Oh and might I add that Huxley is going to be a lil chunker??? He weighed in at 1 lb and 8 oz already!!!! I was shocked! Even the tech said she thought he would be a bigger baby.
As far as my Dr's appt went it was nothing overly exciting. We talked about my chances for having Gestational Diabetes again and discussed my weight....I was doing really good on weight up until this February I had only gained about 8 lbs...this month I put on ...and I am not lying...9 POUNDS!!!! My Dr didn't fuss at me really but told me that I needed to watch what i eat and make better choices...He also informed me that I needed to stay away from my milkshake and ice cream cravings as it seems I had over indulged a tiny bit lol. I told him that I knew it was a big jump because I am starving all the time and nothing seems to fulfill my appetite. He said that some babies just need more calories than others and that I need to try to up my water intake before adding extra snacks. I agree and promised that I would do better and not gain so much for my next appt. I told Huxley tonight after Olive Garden today for lunch and Blueberry Waffles for dinner that we are officially on a diabetes diet starting tomorrow. BLAH!
I got back in four weeks for my next appt and then will start going every 2 weeks!!! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Its insane! Oh and on another note...Preston and Huxley got their first matching outfits from my mom and they are sooo stinking cute. I promise to update this blog soon and post pics. P's is a t-shirt with a brown and blue polka dot whale with his name on it and Huxley's is a one piece outfit with his name and the matching whale. REALLY CUTE!!!
We did get to have an US today to check on the location of my placenta and it proved to be a good visit. Not only has my placenta moved but it has moved to where it is supposed to be! Dr. Desautel figured it would take longer and was shocked and happy when he saw that it corrected itself so fast! We are super excited! No more rest and restrictions! Yippee! Watch out floors you are going to get a good sweeping and mopping ASAP. Oh and might I add that Huxley is going to be a lil chunker??? He weighed in at 1 lb and 8 oz already!!!! I was shocked! Even the tech said she thought he would be a bigger baby.
As far as my Dr's appt went it was nothing overly exciting. We talked about my chances for having Gestational Diabetes again and discussed my weight....I was doing really good on weight up until this February I had only gained about 8 lbs...this month I put on ...and I am not lying...9 POUNDS!!!! My Dr didn't fuss at me really but told me that I needed to watch what i eat and make better choices...He also informed me that I needed to stay away from my milkshake and ice cream cravings as it seems I had over indulged a tiny bit lol. I told him that I knew it was a big jump because I am starving all the time and nothing seems to fulfill my appetite. He said that some babies just need more calories than others and that I need to try to up my water intake before adding extra snacks. I agree and promised that I would do better and not gain so much for my next appt. I told Huxley tonight after Olive Garden today for lunch and Blueberry Waffles for dinner that we are officially on a diabetes diet starting tomorrow. BLAH!
I got back in four weeks for my next appt and then will start going every 2 weeks!!! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Its insane! Oh and on another note...Preston and Huxley got their first matching outfits from my mom and they are sooo stinking cute. I promise to update this blog soon and post pics. P's is a t-shirt with a brown and blue polka dot whale with his name on it and Huxley's is a one piece outfit with his name and the matching whale. REALLY CUTE!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
So I was grumpy most of last week and poor Preston couldn't seem to do anything right...( I totally apologized to him and gave him lots of hugs and kisses alot because i was so grumpy). So this week is starting off better. We woke up and had breakfast this morning and watched a little tv. Then we decided to start cleaning. We dusted, and did laundry, and cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned out Preston's drawers. He was so cute through the whole thing. He was such a big boy helper too! He picked up all his dirty clothes out of the bathroom from last nights bath and put them in his dirty clothes basket (this is one of his favorite chores), then he picked up all his Hot Wheel cars and put them away along with picking up all his toys in the living room and putting them away. Then he would pick up pieces of whatever he could find on the floor and throw it in the garbage can lol. He is such a sweet little blessing and I am soooooooo thankful God trusted me to be his mommy. He is just the best gift ever.
We also started officially potty training today. He asked me this afternoon if he could go potty...we went and sat for 5-10 minutes on the potty looking at a book...never tee teed...then he asked again right as he woke up from his nap and i rushed him to the tee tee but he informed me that he pooted in the potty LOL...then we went again before bathtime but he didn't tee tee then either. Each time I have been telling him nice try we will catch the pee pee next time...I am going to have to be more diligent tomorrow now that I know he is obviously ready.
What did you do to potty train??? Part of me is kinda sad about him growing up so fast! I don't actually mind changing the diapers...I wish I could keep him part of a baby for longer. Its like once he is potty trained thats more baby all Big boy!
We also started officially potty training today. He asked me this afternoon if he could go potty...we went and sat for 5-10 minutes on the potty looking at a book...never tee teed...then he asked again right as he woke up from his nap and i rushed him to the tee tee but he informed me that he pooted in the potty LOL...then we went again before bathtime but he didn't tee tee then either. Each time I have been telling him nice try we will catch the pee pee next time...I am going to have to be more diligent tomorrow now that I know he is obviously ready.
What did you do to potty train??? Part of me is kinda sad about him growing up so fast! I don't actually mind changing the diapers...I wish I could keep him part of a baby for longer. Its like once he is potty trained thats more baby all Big boy!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
21 weeks 2 days
So went to my appt on Friday with hopes that the Doc would lift my restrictions but was told I had to stay on them until we could get an US 4 weeks from yesterday. BLAH! That stinks I was really dissappointed but kinda figured it would happen. On the 25th of March I will have an US at almost 25 weeks to check the placement of my placenta. Right now I am considered Marginal Previa, when the placenta is 2 cm to just right before it touches the cervix, and we are waiting to see if it will move up as I get bigger. Dr. Desautels said that he isn't concerned yet as its pretty common on 2nd pregnancies. He said that most of the time it corrects itself and there is nothing to worry about. I told him I wasn't worried and that I would worry about it when he is. We will check it at 24 weeks and see how much it has moved and if he isn't satisfied by that then we will check it again at closer to 30 weeks. He said they are almost always corrected by 32 weeks. If the placenta moves down into a partial or full previa then we will have to delivery Huxley via C Section about a week early. I really really hope it corrects itself as I don't want to have a c-section. I am really thinking it will and hope that I get to have that moment of going into labor on my own. So only time will tell. I will try to get all two readers of my blog updated as we progress! Thanks to everyones kind words of encouragement and prayers.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Apicoectomy...a fancy word for a yucky procedure!
So I have had a few problems in the last couple weeks that led to oral surgery and thought I would post so that I could actually clarify what is going on with me. Two weeks ago I had a pain in the gum above a tooth that I had a root canal on 10 years ago. I went to my dentist who informed me that I would need a root canal re treatment on the tooth. He referred me back to the Endodontist that did the root canal to begin with. So I went in last Wednesday and was told I would have to undergo surgery to correct the problem since it looked like it was worse than originally thought. Surgery was Scheduled and one week later I found myself sitting in the dentist chair at 7:30 in the am with my heart racing and my nerves rattled. The first of 5-6 shots wasn't so bad however the last two were HORRIBLE! They involved a longer bigger needle and were in the roof of my mouth. I teared up and about jumped out of the chair. Then informed the DR that that shot was way worse than an epidural! However thankfully, he numbed me up so good I didn't feel anything else for the rest of the procedure. I had to have what is called an Apicoectomy done. I wasn't honestly really sure what that was and was foggy on what was being done until afterward when he gave me a pamphlet of what they did to my poor little gum. Basically they numb you up really good then they cut and pull back the gum. they remove the infected portion up in your gum and then they remove the root tip and seal the end with a filling of sorts. In my case because it had been infected off and on for so long, it deteriorated some of the bone in my gum line over that tooth. Therefore I had to have a bone graft ( I have no idea if its all fake bone or if its partial real bone and a fake bone filler) done as well. I was also informed that they might have possibly perforated my sinus slightly and to not blow my nose really hard for a few days?!?!? REALLY! I mean that sounds terrible!!! Then I was stitched up with 6 stitches and sent on my way with ice packs and pain meds (well Ibuprofen big whoop! Its tough when you are pregnant they won't give you the good stuff lol). I was in a good bit of pain yesterday and was really swollen but thankfully I am feeling better today and the pain is manageable but am still sore and still pretty swollen. I am now taking Amoxicillian and Tylenol every four hours for pain. Hopefully I will get to feeling back to normal soon.
So that's my story nothing overly exciting just one more trial I am going through with this pregnancy lol. I just keep telling myself that I am thankful that my trials aren't worse and that these trials are easy to get through. Thanks be to God for blessing me with a pregnancy that is still going well and for it to only be one tooth giving me problems and not my whole mouth of teeth!
So that's my story nothing overly exciting just one more trial I am going through with this pregnancy lol. I just keep telling myself that I am thankful that my trials aren't worse and that these trials are easy to get through. Thanks be to God for blessing me with a pregnancy that is still going well and for it to only be one tooth giving me problems and not my whole mouth of teeth!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
At least I have a medical excuse for being lazy!!!
So Thursday night was a little scary for me because we had a slight scare with Huxley...kinda. I noticed that I passed a little bit of blood while in the tub and while I was concerned about it I didn't think it warranted a trip to the ER since it was a very very small amount and Hux was still moving around like crazy. I decided I would go to sleep and call the Dr in the morning to see if they wanted me to come in. Woke up Friday morning and called the Dr's office at 9:30 and left a message for the nurse. She called right back around 9:40 and said to get over to the Prattville office for an ultrasound to make sure everything was OK. So by 10:30 my mom had picked me up and I had showered and gotten myself and Preston ready to go. Super speed I have never moved so fast ever lol. The US went well and we got to see our sweet boy who by the way is now measuring two days ahead putting me at 19 weeks 6 days today :o) And I am assuming will bump my due date back to 7/7/11. Anyway everything looks great and he is super healthy and has a super strong heart. However, the tech was concerned because my placenta is sitting pretty low. Most of the time it will correct itself and will move up but every now and then the placenta moves down into what they call placenta previa. Now I don't know a whole lot about it because I have been too afraid to google it since I know I will get all freaked out about it but I do know that it is dangerous and can actually cause a hemorrhage. I am sure that everything will be fine and honestly I am not that worried about it. I know that God will take care of us so we will just trust in Him. I have been put on pelvic rest which I never knew included no twisting, or strenuous activities involving the abdomen (vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, moving and lifting heavy things) so I am being a bum until my appt next week to see if the Dr will lift the ban on cleaning lol. Please keep us in your prayers that this placenta moves up and not down and that the rest of this pregnancy and delivery goes as easy as it has to this point.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Griffin and Jackson are here!!!
My morning started at 5 am when I got a GREAT phone call from my best friend Heidi to tell me she was in labor and the Twins were on their way!!! After a super fast delivery, Griffin and Jackson entered this world at 34 weeks old! While they are in the NICU both babies and mommy are doing great! Breathing on their own and weighing in at 5lbs 10 oz and 5 lbs 7 oz! I have not seen them in person but I did recently see a picture of Griffin and he is super cute so I assume that Jackson is too! And they have gorgeous sandy blonde hair!! Congrats Heidi and Mike Slocumb!!! I cannot wait to meet these sweet boys and will continue to pray for a quick stay in the hospital so you can all be together as a family!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Huxley George Martin
So here is the deal on our sweet baby's name. Boys names are hard to agree on for us so when we both actually liked Huxley, which I found in a baby name book, we decided it was meant to be. George is my dad's name and since he has done so much for us we decided it would be a great way to honor him. Therefore Huxley George was created lol. Nothing overly exciting or no special exciting story to tell just two names we liked. We do realize that some people think we are crazy and that's ok. We love the uniqueness of the name Huxley and are not planning on changing it for anyone. We pray that he will grow into a strong God fearing Christian and make his name one to be known for God as opposed as one of the Atheists we have found that bare his name online. We are so excited about little Huxley's arrival and cannot wait to meet him!
Monday, January 24, 2011
IT'S A BOY!!!!!
So words again cannot even begin to explain how excited we are to be having another boy! I was positively giddy all last night and all day today! Just can't stop smiling! :oD Couldn't sleep last night so I finally convinced myself to get off the computer and go to bed around 12:45 this morning. took me about 30 minutes to fall asleep and I think I woke up at 3 and every hour after just to check the time lol. At 7:30 I was awake and by 7:45 was sitting at the computer desk eating cereal and updating every status I could find about being excited! My appt was not until 11:10 but I couldn't seem to stop myself from getting up and getting ready to go at 8:30 lol. My Nana and Pawpaw came over at 10 am to watch Preston ( I told her 10 because she is normally 15-20 minutes late...for once she was on time ;o) ) So I left shortly after 10 Mountain Dew in hand and heart racing to find out what this sweet baby of mine is.
I called Robert and made sure to remind him to be there by 11 and then called my mom. I got to the Dr's office at about 10:30 so I sat in the parking lot and set up my mass texts for each sex to save me some time later and saved them to drafts. I also consumed half a bottle of Mountain Dew. I knew I needed to stop when it felt like little fireworks shooting off in my tummy for a straight 10 minutes lol Baby was ALL jacked up on Mountain Dew ;o)
We went in and paid the lady for the Us (75 bucks but worth every penny). They called us back and Tonya was our tech. She was SUPER sweet! We got started and we made small talk. As soon as she showed me his face he was all over the place. He LOVED looking at us and kept waving like he was saying "HERE I AM!!! Aren't I cute?!?" lol. It took him all of two seconds and he bared his glory for all to see. It was official I could start pulling out my boy things Tonya said. I stared at that sweet face, who has Preston's nose, on the screen and even though for .5 seconds I was a teeny bit disappointed a smile crept to my face and tears welled up in my eyes. He was beautiful, perfect, and my sweet little blessing from God. Who am I to question God's planning. He is in control and knew I needed another little boy! We are sooo elated! I just can't stop smiling and I wanted to show his pictures to everyone even strangers on the street! Isn't it funny to be so proud and in love with someone you haven't actually really met or seen for that matter?!?
Robert and I are truly blessed and are just thankful that we are able to conceive. Now we just have to nail down a name and some baby bedding and we are good to go!!! Thanks to everyone for your kind words, prayers, and well wishes!!!
I called Robert and made sure to remind him to be there by 11 and then called my mom. I got to the Dr's office at about 10:30 so I sat in the parking lot and set up my mass texts for each sex to save me some time later and saved them to drafts. I also consumed half a bottle of Mountain Dew. I knew I needed to stop when it felt like little fireworks shooting off in my tummy for a straight 10 minutes lol Baby was ALL jacked up on Mountain Dew ;o)
We went in and paid the lady for the Us (75 bucks but worth every penny). They called us back and Tonya was our tech. She was SUPER sweet! We got started and we made small talk. As soon as she showed me his face he was all over the place. He LOVED looking at us and kept waving like he was saying "HERE I AM!!! Aren't I cute?!?" lol. It took him all of two seconds and he bared his glory for all to see. It was official I could start pulling out my boy things Tonya said. I stared at that sweet face, who has Preston's nose, on the screen and even though for .5 seconds I was a teeny bit disappointed a smile crept to my face and tears welled up in my eyes. He was beautiful, perfect, and my sweet little blessing from God. Who am I to question God's planning. He is in control and knew I needed another little boy! We are sooo elated! I just can't stop smiling and I wanted to show his pictures to everyone even strangers on the street! Isn't it funny to be so proud and in love with someone you haven't actually really met or seen for that matter?!?
Robert and I are truly blessed and are just thankful that we are able to conceive. Now we just have to nail down a name and some baby bedding and we are good to go!!! Thanks to everyone for your kind words, prayers, and well wishes!!!
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