Saturday, May 11, 2013

What have we been up too????

So it has been some time since I updated this blog but have decided to try to get back into blogging now that I am no longer on facebook. Shocking I know but it has been two months and honestly I don't miss it that much. I do miss my friends but I don't miss the excess time allotted to checking fb a million times a day. So what have we been doing with all this new found time you ask???... Well honestly just spending more time with each other as a family. Here is what is going on with the Martins the last few months:

Me: I have been doing lots of playing with the boys. That's pretty much it these days lol Laundry always needs to be done and I keep our house tidy and clean but they are my first priority and I find myself opting to play with them over the mundane of deep cleaning my house...they are only little once right??? I messed up my foot 6 weeks ago and am still having to sport flats :( Those of you that know me know this is KILLER for me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE heels and am one of those people that just looks weird in flats bc I am most comfy in a heel. So I am learning to love flat sandals and converse right now which is OK. I have also kinda sorta been throwing around plans with a friend to start a makeup business. (insert high pitched squeal here) :)   She was lucky enough to be asked to do makeup for a photo shoot on six young girls and asked if I could come help with make up. Of course I said ummm yes!!!!! We spent 3.5 glorious fun filled hours applying makeup and chit chatting with 6 sweet young women. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a beautiful partnership and things will go up from here. Please keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer. It's what she and I really want to do. We would be strictly go to you mobile make up. So if anyone wants to let us practice or needs a make up artist let me know and we will set something up.

Robert: Robert is working a lot finishing up an audit with PWC but things should slow down for him in the next week or two. When he isn't working he is here helping and playing with the boys and spending time with us as a family. It's been nice having him here and I know the boys love it too. We have a trip planned for our anniversary in June and cannot wait to spent a couple days in Atlanta kid free to wind down and enjoy walking around a big city together and eat hot meals without whining or complaining. We will miss the boys while we are gone but its sooooo nice to get out of town and reconnect with each others undivided attention.

Preston: Preston will finish up Mom's Day Out (MDO) this week and be out for the summer.  He has learned soooo much while there three days a week and he is looking forward to starting Pre-School in September. I cannot believe my oldest will be five soon!!! He has started playing with an imagination and acting out scenarios. His favorite movie of the moment is The Goonies (or Begonies as he calls it) His best friends at school are twins Ed and Eli and his best friend at church is Ethan. Its so sweet to hear him talk about them like they are all brothers. He is growing up so fast. He got his first big boy haircut and we let him buzz it off like Justin Timberlake. I let him choose it and he was so proud of it. I have to admit its really cute and honestly has been soooo much easier to take care of over the longer hair I tried to keep him in. He used his first bad word in a sentence not too long ago at target. Thankfully it wasn't a bad bad word but it wasn't a good one either so he got in trouble. Thankfully it hasn't happened since. He got his first award the other month in school for helping out when everyone else wasn't listening to his teacher. I was so proud of him I might have cried. I am so thankful he listens to his teachers even if he doesn't always obey me. He loves Les Mis and fights with his little sword when they do its adorable. Other than that not much to report on him. He is growing like a weed and his head already reaches my sternum. Crazy right?!?! Either he is really tall or I am really short.

Huxley: my oh my where to start with this little one. He is 22 months and boy is he a firecracker! He runs everywhere and loves to push his lawn mower around. He is talking up a storm and sings all the time ( I don't know where he gets that from ;)  )  His current fav songs are If you're happy and you know it and a song he calls baby that I made up. HE loves Yo Gabba Gabba specifically Muno and Brobee. He is sooooo incredibly sweet too. He gives out kisses all the time and often asks for kisses too. He will hug you tight and pat your back a few times then give a sweet good rub to follow. He still carries a blanket (bopbop) and still calls his cup Bup. He uses his hands to tell stories (like I do) and has lots of expressions. Although, with all that sweetness comes the mean-ness too. He is a hitter, kicker, and on occasion a biter. He will hit you if he doesn't get his way then throw down into an ear piercing temper tantrum. He is stubborn and strong willed and most times spankings don't work too well on him but he still gets them anyway. He knows what he wants and how he wants it and while it's the thing I dislike the most about him at this point in time it is something that I hope he holds onto for the future. He doesn't let anyone push him around and make him do something he doesn't want to or feels strongly about. Hopefully this means he will be a leader one day and not so much of a follower. The only following I hope he does is following his dreams and following God. This strong willed-ness has also caused him to want to potty train waaayyyy earlier than Preston ever thought about potty training. While we are still in diapers he uses the potty anywhere from two to 5 times a day depending on the day. I am not ready for it but at the same time I am because diapers are expensive y'all. Oh and did I mention he will be starting MDO in September? He will go two days a week and I am really looking forward to having two days to get stuff done on my own although I will be sad that he is gone. I have gotten so used to him being here all the time.

So there you have it. Nothing too overly exciting going on here just moving through life day to day and enjoying being a family. What have y'all been up to?