Monday, June 8, 2009

Having a baby changes everything

As most of you know I am formerly not the neatest person in the house often looked like the random scattered thoughts in my head...I often knew where stuff was and could find anything among utter chaos! I am glad to report that has somewhat changed since Preston...Upon washing dishes tonight and getting bottles rinsed to go into the dishwasher i realized that not only was i cleaning my kitchen before bed but i had done so every night since we moved into our new house! Shocking I know!!! I know it has to be done so i guess it has just become second nature...oh and the other shocking thing. Robert and I are the worlds worst at letting our clean clothes pile up in a stack on the guest bed...we dont mind washing but hate the putting away and folding...tonight i told him that i would come to bed after i get finished with laundry upon which he said you dont have to fold the ones in the response Oh yes i do if i dont it will sit on the bed and i dont have time or energy to fold 8 loads at one time...I think I am turning into my mother ;o)

1 comment:

  1. hey! I just found your blog-yay! I have one that I try to keep up with but I'm not very good at it! LOL! You need to post some pics of sweet Preston soon! :)
