Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So far this pregnancy...

People have been asking me how far along I thought I was and I would say 4-5 weeks but I totally forgot that the end of the week is one week. Does that make sense? Any who by my calculations I think I am 4 weeks and 4 days. Saturday will be the beginning of week 5. I thought I was a week ahead and I still may be off but at least I have almost two weeks before the morning sickness typically shows up. Praying that it doesn't show up at all!!!

As for symptoms so far I feel pretty good. I am tired some days but not all the time. I have horrible heartburn already and am already munching on Tums to relieve the pain. I have preggo nose and can smell Preston's dirty diaper from across the room and possible even from another room lol Its Super Sonic I tell ya! I also have started having stuffy noses at night so I bought me some saline spray and breathe right strips so I can sleep with my mouth closed.

Preston was taking baby news well. When you would ask him where the baby was he would say Tummy and point to my tummy. Well Monday night when you asked he would state that the baby is in the pumpkin...and now if you ask he makes this horrible screeching noise like how dare you ask me about the baby lol. I still talk to him about the baby like its the best thing that ever happened to him so we will see how well it works when the new baby gets here.

I also started back on a modified C25K program today. I found I couldn't run the full time so I walked the first 10 minutes and then jogged off and on the last 15-20 minutes. I am so out of shape since I haven't done it in three weeks so I am having to pace myself to get back into it. I am determined to try to exercise this pregnancy at least 5 days a week!

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