Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apicoectomy...a fancy word for a yucky procedure!

So I have had a few problems in the last couple weeks that led to oral surgery and thought I would post so that I could actually clarify what is going on with me. Two weeks ago I had a pain in the gum above a tooth that I had a root canal on 10 years ago. I went to my dentist who informed me that I would need a root canal re treatment on the tooth. He referred me back to the Endodontist that did the root canal to begin with. So I went in last Wednesday and was told I would have to undergo surgery to correct the problem since it looked like it was worse than originally thought. Surgery was Scheduled and one week later I found myself sitting in the dentist chair at 7:30 in the am with my heart racing and my nerves rattled. The first of 5-6 shots wasn't so bad however the last two were HORRIBLE! They involved a longer bigger needle and were in the roof of my mouth. I teared up and about jumped out of the chair. Then informed the DR that that shot was way worse than an epidural! However thankfully, he numbed me up so good I didn't feel anything else for the rest of the procedure. I had to have what is called an Apicoectomy done. I wasn't honestly really sure what that was and was foggy on what was being done until afterward when he gave me a pamphlet of what they did to my poor little gum. Basically they numb you up really good then they cut and pull back the gum. they remove the infected portion up in your gum and then they remove the root tip and seal the end with a filling of sorts. In my case because it had been infected off and on for so long, it deteriorated some of the bone in my gum line over that tooth. Therefore I had to have a bone graft ( I have no idea if its all fake bone or if its partial real bone and a fake bone filler) done as well. I was also informed that they might have possibly perforated my sinus slightly and to not blow my nose really hard for a few days?!?!? REALLY! I mean that sounds terrible!!! Then I was stitched up with 6 stitches and sent on my way with ice packs and pain meds (well Ibuprofen big whoop! Its tough when you are pregnant they won't give you the good stuff lol). I was in a good bit of pain yesterday and was really swollen but thankfully I am feeling better today and the pain is manageable but am still sore and still pretty swollen. I am now taking Amoxicillian and Tylenol every four hours for pain. Hopefully I will get to feeling back to normal soon.
So that's my story nothing overly exciting just one more trial I am going through with this pregnancy lol. I just keep telling myself that I am thankful that my trials aren't worse and that these trials are easy to get through. Thanks be to God for blessing me with a pregnancy that is still going well and for it to only be one tooth giving me problems and not my whole mouth of teeth!

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