Friday, March 25, 2011

25 weeks 2 days

So I am still officially measuring two days ahead. Started my morning by waking up super early in order to make it to my appt at 8 am on Taylor road. Had to do the 2 hr glucose test today and let me tell you that sugar drink is WAYYYYY better cold. It was sooo gross hot I literally spent that hour waiting to give blood trying to keep it down. I gave blood three different times once when I got there, one and hour after finishing the drink, and then lastly an hour after i gave blood the last time. My arms officially look like I have been doing drugs.

We did get to have an US today to check on the location of my placenta and it proved to be a good visit. Not only has my placenta moved but it has moved to where it is supposed to be! Dr. Desautel figured it would take longer and was shocked and happy when he saw that it corrected itself so fast! We are super excited! No more rest and restrictions! Yippee! Watch out floors you are going to get a good sweeping and mopping ASAP. Oh and might I add that Huxley is going to be a lil chunker??? He weighed in at 1 lb and 8 oz already!!!! I was shocked! Even the tech said she thought he would be a bigger baby.

As far as my Dr's appt went it was nothing overly exciting. We talked about my chances for having Gestational Diabetes again and discussed my weight....I was doing really good on weight up until this February I had only gained about 8 lbs...this month I put on ...and I am not lying...9 POUNDS!!!! My Dr didn't fuss at me really but told me that I needed to watch what i eat and make better choices...He also informed me that I needed to stay away from my milkshake and ice cream cravings as it seems I had over indulged a tiny bit lol. I told him that I knew it was a big jump because I am starving all the time and nothing seems to fulfill my appetite. He said that some babies just need more calories than others and that I need to try to up my water intake before adding extra snacks. I agree and promised that I would do better and not gain so much for my next appt. I told Huxley tonight after Olive Garden today for lunch and Blueberry Waffles for dinner that we are officially on a diabetes diet starting tomorrow. BLAH!

I got back in four weeks for my next appt and then will start going every 2 weeks!!! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Its insane! Oh and on another note...Preston and Huxley got their first matching outfits from my mom and they are sooo stinking cute. I promise to update this blog soon and post pics. P's is a t-shirt with a brown and blue polka dot whale with his name on it and Huxley's is a one piece outfit with his name and the matching whale. REALLY CUTE!!!

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