Monday, March 7, 2011


So I was grumpy most of last week and poor Preston couldn't seem to do anything right...( I totally apologized to him and gave him lots of hugs and kisses alot because i was so grumpy). So this week is starting off better. We woke up and had breakfast this morning and watched a little tv. Then we decided to start cleaning. We dusted, and did laundry, and cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned out Preston's drawers. He was so cute through the whole thing. He was such a big boy helper too! He picked up all his dirty clothes out of the bathroom from last nights bath and put them in his dirty clothes basket (this is one of his favorite chores), then he picked up all his Hot Wheel cars and put them away along with picking up all his toys in the living room and putting them away. Then he would pick up pieces of whatever he could find on the floor and throw it in the garbage can lol. He is such a sweet little blessing and I am soooooooo thankful God trusted me to be his mommy. He is just the best gift ever.

We also started officially potty training today. He asked me this afternoon if he could go potty...we went and sat for 5-10 minutes on the potty looking at a book...never tee teed...then he asked again right as he woke up from his nap and i rushed him to the tee tee but he informed me that he pooted in the potty LOL...then we went again before bathtime but he didn't tee tee then either. Each time I have been telling him nice try we will catch the pee pee next time...I am going to have to be more diligent tomorrow now that I know he is obviously ready.

What did you do to potty train??? Part of me is kinda sad about him growing up so fast! I don't actually mind changing the diapers...I wish I could keep him part of a baby for longer. Its like once he is potty trained thats more baby all Big boy!


  1. Precious Preston!! I can't believe how much he's grown! It's so sweet that he's helping you so much, too! That will come in really handy come July! :)

  2. Girl...NO way! You don't want 2 in diapers! Capitalize capitalize! Just offer him the chance to go about 20-30 minutes after eating/drinking and at least every two hours. Make a HUGE deal when he goes and work out a reward system but change it up if you have to (i.e. we started with a single mini M&M for going in the potty, then we graduated onto stickers, and stamps). He is going to want to please. Also I believe if you're gonna do it--do it all the way. Don't go back and forth from big boy underwear to pull ups (except for overnight. He's not old enough to go all night just yet). I believe in big boy/girl underwear. Also, stick by the house for 3 days. He'll do great! It's exhausting but SO worth it!!!

  3. Thanks for the advice. Ugh i just so dont look forward to it lol I don't mind changing the diapers since he doesn't go through that many a day anymore lol I am just nervous about doing it i guess. It is going to be a struggle.
