Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Birthday Gifts!

So Preston is turning 3 on Friday and this mama is soooo not ready for it. I mean seriously where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and now he is a rambunctious 3 year old who loves cars, tractors, super heros and Nick Jr. I mean really?!?Anyway he got his first birthday card in the mail yesterday! Inside was a gift card to Target from Robert's Aunt Barbara and Uncle Joe (Thanks by the way P LOVED shopping and paying all by himself). He instantly asked what it was and I told him...which then followed up with let's go to Target now! Since we had nothing else to do and I was anxious to get out of the house we went to Target. You would have thought he about to die with excitement when we hit the toy aisle! He pushed every button and looked at every toy imaginable! I never dreamed it would take an hour and a half to spend 25 dollars but it did and he made sure he got the best toy he could afford. I tried my darnedest to get him to purchase a pair of shoes and I probably should have made him but it was his first gift card that he could actually spend himself so I caved and let him enjoy being a kid. He walked down every aisle and hollered lots of Oooooos and AHHHHHS along with THAT'S SO COOL and I NEED THAT! It did give me an opportunity to tell him the difference between needing and wanting the end of the trip he was correctly telling me he wanted something instead. I was elated when we FINALLY decided on a Hot Wheels car that has "hydraulics" and does wheelies. It had it's engine out (according to P) and that was cool so the blue car with flames came home with us...I am regretting this decision though because it is loud and doesn't have a lower volume. O well we are only children once right?!?

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