Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where in the world are the Martins?!?!

Wow its been a while since I have last posted!!! I completely missed Huxley's 3 mth stuff! A quick recap of his 3rd month of wonderfulness is as follows:
Went to drs appt for sickness chunk weighed in a little before his 3rd month birthday at 14.14 without eating lol. We started him on Zantac and that helped for a while but it has since been changed to a generic for Prevacid. I can't really tell if its doing much since you can still hear the reflux but he isn't crying so I guess it's working.

His four month well baby check up isn't until the 14th of november however we did go to the Doctor on the 8th and found that poor Frank has the flu :o( Poor lil guy woke with a fever of 103.8!!! If that isn't enough to make even the most seasoned mama freak I don't know what is lol. I called Robert in tears because I have never had a child have a fever that high. Deep down I knew it was the flu I just prayed it wasn't. But on the upside we have been pumping him full of Advil and he seems to be feeling better...for the most part. Such a sweet lil guy!

We took Preston trick or treating for the first time this year. He was Thomas the Train and oh so cute! My sweet brother came and went with us so that I wouldn't have to take both boys by myself in the dark. I am soooo thankful he went too. I always like to think I am supermom but what kind of mom goes trick or the dark without a flashlight or glow stick!?!? My brother had a flashlight though...he is so smart...even if we were already half way around the block before we pulled it out to use it lol ;o) P had a great time and got lots of candy that Robert and I are still enjoying lol. Secretly I despise Halloween candy since I am the one that ends up eating it. Not good for the diet I am on lol.

Other than that not a whole lot to report on the home front. Robert is still working lots but it's ok. I know that eventually he will be home with us at decent hours and actually be able to enjoy his boys. I know Preston will be glad when he is home and I start to cook again! Poor lil fella has had lots of chicken nuggets and grilled chicken strips here lately. I made him instant mashed potatoes last night to go with his grilled chicken to which he proclaimed was SOOO GOOD! lol He is such a sweet boy!

Please continue to pray for my grandfather. He has had 3 surgeries in probably 8 weeks and is having a really hard time with confusion and not getting enough sleep. Reality is setting in the he won't be around forever and that he has serious health issues. He has Alzheimers and isn't doing the best. Please pray for him and our family.

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