Friday, August 23, 2013

Week one done

So wow week one of preschool is over! Yay! Preston seems to be enjoying it and it is wearing him out :) we are so used to sleeping in (9 am late) that getting up has been tough. I wake at 630 which I am slowly having a love hate relationship with. I hate getting up early but I love that I get up and get moving to get everyone else up and  going. Coffee is on the run and errands follow. By the time we get home we have about an hour and a half before its time to pick him up. Pick him up at 12 then come home for lunches then nap for Huxley and working out for me. Hopefully to follow with an hour of quiet downtime for me too. It's been a whirlwind but so worth it since he seems really happy to be there. He has been in bed asleep every night by 8 which is much nicer than the 9-930 we let him get by with during the summer. 
We have orientation for Huxley on Tuesday.  He has already informed me he wants to stay home and no school for huxwee. Oh sweet sweet boy he is being really really tough to love this past few days. Terrible twos are in full swing at our house and I am slap wore out! Physically and emotionally. I literally wanted to go to bed at 7 last night I was so tired. I need to get up and workout today but golly I am so tired I'm seriously considering skipping it and waking up early Sunday to work out instead. Mama could use a nap too.  Anyway I digress. I really am looking forward to the two days where both boys are in school and I can get some free time. I love my boys but I am in dire need of some one on one time with myself.  Anyway we are just getting used to this new schedule and exciting time for my boys. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!


  1. Good luck on your working out! I KNOW how hard it is with kids...all I want is that extra sleep and most nights I find it's never before 11 or midnight until I fall asleep doing all the stuff I can't do while they're awake! Are you starting Insanity again? Did you hear about T25 that they just came out with?? It's tempting....!

    1. I am doing insanity again. Thankfully I don't work and I work out during Huxleys napping. I have not heard of that program! I need to check into it! You have a very good reason for being exhausted though ;)
