Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Bittersweet part :o)

So today has been bittersweet for me. I officially ended my 4 year job at Aliant Bank and my oh my how sad yet happy it has made me. I picked Preston up today from Mrs. Peggy and Mr. Keith's (or as P calls them Eggy and Keef) and I have to admit it was the first time during the day that i teared up. They have been such a blessing to my little family. Preston stayed with my Nana and Pawpaw on the days my mom was not working when he was a baby. My Pawpaw was diagnosed with beginnings of Alzheimer's around August of last year( I think that is roughly the time). P was getting big and harder to handle and it became apparent that my sweet Nana did not need to be watching him anymore as he was getting heavy and she needed the break. God intervined as I cried to Robert about not knowing what to do and sent me sweet loving people to take care of my baby boy when I couldn't. I don't think they knew they would get themselves into keeping him for longer than 6 months but they have been soo sweet and such a blessing from day one! Here are all the things i wanted to say but never did about keeping Preston.

Mrs. Peggy and Mr. Keith,
I am so thankful that you were there to take care of my sweet baby boy for me so I did not have to put him into Daycare at 11 mths old. I am thankful that you gave up new found retirement to babysit a toddler four days a week for next to nothing. I am thankful that you fell as much in love with him as he did with you. I am thankful that we have reconnected with people I can always trust and can call on in times of need or friendship. I am thankful that you taught him where his fingers and toes were when I couldn't and you helped him learn his colors (especially pink he told me about pink yesterday). He is so smart and I am so thankful that he learned so much while he was with you and that ya'll took the time to teach him and play with him. I am thankful that you took him outside and allowed Moxie to hang out because he so loves to play with her. I am thankful for everything you have ever done for our sweet boy! Words can not begin to express how thankful Robert and I are that you took time out of your life for ours. We are forever grateful and don't know how we will ever be able to repay you for your kindness and generosity!
Jennifer, Robert and Preston

I thought I would make it the whole day without crying ;o)


  1. Oh, what kind words, Jennifer. Thank you. I have really enjoyed hearing about P everyday over the last several months. He is such a cutie, and we all love him! Love, Lane

  2. IU could not have made it without them! They are godsends!
