Friday, August 27, 2010

TTC Update

So I know I mentioned a few months ago that we were starting to try for baby number 2. Upon quitting my job we came to the realization that 610.00 for insurance is outrageous and while we could do it on Roberts salary now money would be extremely tight. So we looked for different options which lead us to an individual policy. Unfortunately, it will not cover a pregnancy for 365 consecutive days so we would have to pay out of pocket for everything if we got pregnant. While we weren't so worried about it in the beginning we began to worry about the what ifs..such as what if I have a complicated pregnancy this go round or what if we require a c section this time...or worse what if the baby has to stay in the hospital for a long time. I think you get the idea. We worked really hard to become debt free and the thought of having hospital bills or credit card bills for a baby scares me! We have put baby number 2 on hold for a month or two and are weighing our options. I am not getting back on birth control though as we are putting it into God's hands. I told Robert, after hours of hysterical crying at the thought of us not having baby 2 soon, that I totally felt a calm after the storm. I know that if we do get pregnant that everything will work out and all will be OK. God has always given me peace when i am worried and this situation was no different. I trust Him with all my heart and soul and know that he will provide even when we feel we can't. Hopefully we will resume trying again in September. For only God knows what he has planned for us. xoxo

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5


  1. I wish there were a "like" button on here!
    Well said, Jen! :)

  2. Aww, Jenn! :) I'm with you on the debt thing. Praying that the Lord will continue to lead you on His path!

  3. Thanks Bonnie. All will work out one way or another. If we have to pay out of pocket we will deal with it but hopefully we can figure something out ;o)
